Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hey, all! It is almost NaNoWriMo time, and I hope that most of you are going to join me on this journey throughout November. If not, you're going to have to deal with me talking and/or complaining about it. Starting now.

I have a little over 4 hours left to finish writing an essay which I then have to email to my English teacher, complete two pages of math homework, and write my NEA post. I definitely have enough time for all of that, which is good. My jittery, excited fingers make it very easy for me to work on my essay and write my NEA post, but I doubt that they'll be any good once I start on my math.

I do believe that I have mentioned it on this blog already, but if you are participating in NaNoWriMo you should check out NaNoNerdfighters*, a blog that I am going to be updating throughout November. It should be fun, and you can hear my complain even more. (Or, really, you can complain about your novel , too, in the comments section on any of my blog posts during November.)


I totally forgot that it was Halloween, not just the day before November 1.

That is all.


*Oh, right. I should probably link you to the blog:

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Oh, hey.

I normally would've posted this on NaNoNerdfighters, but I feel obligated to update this blog regularly now.

I was just reading through the NaNoWriMo forums*, and realized something. Although I've never written anything even close to 50,000 words, I am guarranteed to get it done. I'm not a perfectionist, but I just can't stand not finishing something. If that means that I will do nothing else but write during all of my free time, then so be it. But I will get this novel done.

That kind of scares me. I mean, I can't let myself fail at this. I have no choice.

Now, back to my freaking out about what I'm actually going to write ABOUT.


*The discussion on whether you get NaNorexia or NaNobesity is still making me ROFL.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"I'm just not ready for this. I'm sorry."

A gust of wind shook her hair to her left side, and she shivered. “I don’t need a coat. At least, that’s what I’ve been telling myself. It’s only October. The beginning of October.”

Suddenly, she was startled. “What do you MEAN, it’s the end of October? That’s impossible! I have plenty of time to prepare myself for this amazing feat I am about to overtake. Surely you must be lying.”

She scowled at him. “Well, yes, every calendar in the world surely must be mistaken! Just yesterday, it was October 11! I even blogged then! It hasn’t been that long since I’ve updated my blog.”

“Well, yes. I know that my last post couldn’t really be considered a post. I just posted a picture of Luke Conard looking like Mike Lombardo. But according to Blogger, I put something up. So it counts.”

She started pacing around the tree, walking counter-clockwise and lightly dragging the fingertips of her left hand across the bark. Her breaths became noticably audible. “No. I had to have written a post about the concert that I went to. And it can’t be almost November. No.”

She stopped pacing, and crumpled to the ground. She covered her eyes with her hands. “This can’t be happening! I’m not ready! I don’t know what to do; I’m second guessing myself!”

“You can’t just ignore this forever. NaNoWriMo is going to be here in a little over a week, Jess,” he reminded her.

“I’m just not ready for this,” she said. “I’m sorry.”


LOLOLOLOLOL. Okay, that sounded way better in my head. I thought I was being creative… but yeah. Just so you know, that isn’t my writing style. That was some strange pseudo-dramatic thing. Um. Okay.

What’s up, lovelies? It’s been forever since I’ve talked to all of you. Hopefully you all still remember me. But, of course, I expect that all of you are also following Nerdily Ever After, so you have been hearing from me regularly on there.

I’m sorry for not really talking about the Triple Rainbow Awesome Tour concert on this blog. I talked a little about it on NEA. If you search around there, I’m sure you could find it. Anyway, it was amazing, but in a different way from Roflcoptour. There were way more people, and it was really freaking crowded. Luke uploaded some footage from the concert*:

As have I:

So, that’s exciting.

Most of my time recently has been focused on school, and NaNoNerdfighters. The first marking period in school has just ended, so the last two weeks have been full of projects and tests. But it is all over now, and everything is good.

NaNoNerdfighters already has four writers. If you’re participating in NaNoWriMo this year, I think you should seriously check it out.** It’ll be fun.

As you could tell from my strange beginning, I am seriously freaking out about NaNoWriMo. I have no idea what I am going to write about. I thought that I was finally going to start on my six book series that has been in my head since I was 9 or 10. But now I’m not so sure. I recently looked back at my Screnzy screenplay, and found that my characters were brilliant. The plot failed epically, but because I had to be really descriptive in my dialogue choices, the characters are very well developed. I am actually considering writing my novel using them. But I have no idea what the plot would be, and although this will only be my second year doing NaNo, I know that if you start out without any plot in mind, you aren’t likely to do well.
I really need a significant amount of time to think about what I’m going to write. I hate that I can’t go to anyone to really discuss this. Even if I talked to one of my online Nerdfighter friends, they wouldn’t be able to help much, as they don’t know my novel well enough. I’m the only one that does, really. Except Neva.

Hmmm. Maybe I COULD discuss this with her. But that will be hard to do before November 1, and that is when I need to make this decision.

Instead of using my free time productively, like using it to answer all of my NaNo questions, I have instead been reading Harry Potter fanfiction, and watching a bunch of random YouTube videos.

Speaking of YouTube, I am really excited about Super Note right now. I need to get on recording my Supernote, or else I may never get to take part in it. I’ll be Team Beard, by the way. Not just because he’s in first***, but because I have been planning on being for Wheezy since the beginning. It was a tough decision between Team Nerd and Team Beard, but I knew that I had to help the underdog of the competition. I promise, the next time Supernote comes around, I will be for the vlogbrothers. That is, unless there is a Team ALL CAPS, or some sort of team involving any of the fiveawesomegirls, charlieissocoollike, nerimon, or KalebNation. Then I need to go with them. But all of that is pretty unlikely.

So I could’ve rambled on about more than this, but I think this post is long enough.

“Once again, I find myself in a dreamland. Once again, I find myself at a loss for words. Every day since the day you found me, you move the world around me, get some distance from what they all see. And you don't stop this thing you do to me." - Don't Stop, Mike Lombardo


*…Which you can see me in, if you are looking for it. Check out the side of the stage. I appear to be behind Kristina. Wearing black. Tell me in comments if you spot me :)

Monday, October 11, 2010


I'm off to watch the Event.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

3RA and TSK

Hi everyone! Long time, no blog. I assume that all of you are also following Nerdily Ever After, though, so it really hasn't been that long since you've heard from me.

The title has a bunch of letters, but I assure you, they actually mean something.

First of all, I recently posted a new video:

I got Bran Hambric: The Specter Key by Kaleb Nation in the mail earlier this week, and I filmed my reaction to opening it. I'm at page 149 (Chapter 16) right now, and it is really, really good. Much better than the first one.

I am super excited for this Friday. I am going to the Triple Rainbow Awesome Tour stop in Ardmore, PA. If you haven't heard about it yet, (Where have you been?)it is the fall tour of ALL CAPS, Mike Lombardo, Alex Carpenter, and Skyway Flyer. They are stopping all along the eastern half of the United States, so if you live in the east, they are probably playing somewhere near you. It sounds really exciting, so I would definitely recommend attending if you can make it.

Are any of you going to any of the 3RA shows? Are any of you reading Bran Hambric: The Specter Key? Answer in the comments below!

"So let's get this started before I back out. I'm gonna show you what training's about!" - Trainers in Love, ALL CAPS
