Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jess is currently in another state

Hi! I am writing this on July 28, when I am still in Pennsylvania. I'm leaving for the airport in less than an hour and I am not dressed.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Roflcoptour Experience (Part 2)

Yay! Time to describe the concert part! Funny thing is, I can't hear out of my right ear currently. So yeah. Here's a quick review video that I made:

When my mom was driving us to New Jersey, I was thinking a lot about what I was expecting to occur at this concert. Honestly, it fit my expectations plus more. I knew that, at the very least, the first band's set was going to be very awkward. No one was really comfortable around each other enough to sing and dance yet, so we all kind of stood there awkwardly.

I just checked my right earbud, and it has blood on it. Awesome. And yes, I realize that is tmi.* But, I can hear slightly better, so that is a good thing.

Back to the concert. So, the Parselmouths went first. I actually only own a few of their songs, but I knew most of what they played. One that I did not know, but had heard of, was Please Harry. Here is that performance:

Justin as Harry was hilarious.

Next to play was Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quill(s). There was only one quill, though, and that was Eia. I didn't know any of his songs, but I liked that I figured out most of them. I really had only heard of one of his songs before, and that was Dumbledore is Gay and That's Okay.

I actually did take footage of this, but for some reason never uploaded it to YouTube. Oh well. You'll have to live without it.

I don't exactly remember what happened next, but I think that Lauren and Kristina came to the front to film 5AG stuff. That was AMAZING. I was so psyched!** The footage was in Lauren's video, where you can see me a few times ^_^

Surprisingly, hugging people that I didn't know wasn't very awkward. And I got to hug Lauren. Again. Yeah. But the love of all of the nerdfighters was just fantastic, and that was one of the best parts of the entire day.

Kristina then went back behind the merch table and Lauren performed. Oh, I love Lauren :) She is amazingtastic. I knew pretty much all of the songs that she played, though I barely knew Engines Make Me Hot. So that is the song that I filmed.

I know that they did this at every show, but I feel the need to tell you something really cute. Y'know how in Post-Potter Depression, Lauren sings, "Matt Maggiacomo is my patronus"?*** When the Armoured Bearcub set was about to begin, Lauren said, "Expecto Patronum!" and then Matt appeared. It was adorable.

Again, I knew most of the Armoured Bearcub songs, except for In Which Buffy Slays Edward, which I filmed and did not upload it to YouTube. Again, you'll have to live. I'm sure if you really wanted to see it you could just search YouTube and probably find a recording from the same exact show.

Then Matt, as the Whomping Willows, performed. I didn't know many of his songs, except for a few of the choruses, but I still loved it! Here's some footage of him singing Fall in Love Tonight:

Just remembered something. The 5AG stuff happened AFTER Matt performed. I remember this because Kristina said that we could all continue hugging if we wanted to while they set up for ALL CAPS. I'm not going back and changing the post.

So ALL CAPS went next and I'm sorry to say that I got no footage of them. I was too busy dancing and singing. I lost my voice around halfway through their set. I of course knew all of the songs that they played. Don't Unplug Me, the finale, was just as epic as I expected it to be. Everyone was in synch and singing along and... Ah. Just spectacular.

After the show, I went and bought some more merch including the Armoured Bearcub White Album and two t-shirts.





*Oh, how I hate saying "tmi." I hate many abbreviations such as that, but tend to use them anyway.
**Eww. I hate that word too. Why do I insist on using words that I despise?
***I don't believe that is proper punctuation. Whatever.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Roflcoptour Experience (PART 1)

The show on July 22 in Old Bridge, NJ was the best thing ever. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to describe it, so I’ll start with a list.

Things I got from Roflcoptour:

1. An ALL CAPS poster signed by Kristina and Luke
2. The Armoured Bearcub Album
3. A Green button from the Parselmouths
4. My iPod signed by ALL CAPS
5. A red Whomping Willows shirt
6. A green The Parselmouths shirt
7. A picture with ALL CAPS

Me with ALL CAPS

So, yeah, best thing ever. Another list!

Random Things that I remember:

- Although I didn’t know any songs by JFF before the concert, I was singing along to at least three of them. This makes me very happy.
- I recorded one song from each band, except ALL CAPS, because I was too busy dancing to their set.
- I hugged Lauren twice. Once, when I gave her something, and the second time when everyone in the crowd had a group hug. Awesomeness.
- It was the funniest thing ever when random people in the library came across the concert. I realize that they must have been very confused.
- That library was the biggest public library I have ever seen.

Ah, I now feel prepared to describe my experience.

Once my mom and I found the library*, I was immediately struck by the size of this place. I have said this already but OMG THAT LIBRARY IS FREAKING HUGE.

For the first half an hour or so, it felt really weird being in the same room as Luke, Kristina, Lauren, Eia, Matt, etc… I mean, I obviously knew that they were real people, but they feel even more real to me now. My thought process was hilarious. It was basically, “OMG LUKE CONARD JUST WALKED PAST ME. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD.” I’m glad that my mom was there, because I was too embarrassed to squee when she was looking at me. So that was good.

Justin announced, about 15 minutes or so before the show was going to start, that the merch table was open. And no one left their seats. “Don’t get up all at one time,” he said. There was some awkward laughter. I was thinking about this, and honestly, that was a very logical response. We were basically a room full of nerdfighters. And, nerdfighters… Well, we aren’t typically social butterflies.

So yeah. Eventually we all gathered up our Gryffindor courage and walked over to the merch table. And that was it. Seriously. No one had the guts to go and buy anything. Okay, so a few people did. But the majority of us didn’t. For me, it wasn’t that everyone wasn’t approachable, because they were. It was just… really strange to talk to them, much less see them in person. So, I broke the ice by buying a Parselmouths button from Eia. After that, a few more people started to buy things :)

Next thing I did was go over to Lauren and Matt. I took out this paper chain that I made with all of their tour dates on it, and gave it to Lauren. She and Matt really liked it. And she hugged me. Again, my thought process, “ZOMG I’M HUGGING LAUREN FAIRWEATHER! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD.”

Then I dug through my bag again and found the bracelets that I made for Kristina, Lauren, and Eia. I first went over to Eia and gave her a bracelet. It was really awesome.** I mean, she said it was “so cool” in that Eia voice of hers. I don’t know why I expected them to talk differently in their vlogs than they do in real life. But yeah.

I gave the other two bracelets to Lauren and Kristina... blah blah blah... Now my poor memory comes in to play. I actually don't remember if I got the ALL CAPS poster or the picture with them first, but I think it was the poster so that's how I'm going to tell you it.

I bought a poster, and Luke asked if I wanted them to sign it. Stupid question. OF COURSE I WANT YOU TO SIGN IT. I wonder if anyone has actually said, "Nah. I mean, I really don't want your signature getting all over the poster." Ha.

Just remembered! I DID get the poster before the picture. Moving on.

I had to get my mom from her seat so that I could get the picture with Luke and Kristina. When we were waiting in line I quickly taught her how my camera worked. I'm glad that I did, because it would've been really embarrassing to be the person with the mom that didn't know how to use a digital camera. Anyway. When it was finally my turn, Kristina was talking to some people about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Luke was kind of just standing there awkwardly, but then he noticed my shirt and said, "Ravenclaw. Y'know, I consider myself a Ravenclaw."

I had a casual conversation with Luke Conard about being a Ravenclaw. And it was epic.

So, we took the picture, and then I had them sign my iPod. Kaydence has already had an ALL CAPS theme going on for a few months, so this just made her better.

After that, my mom and I went back to our seats. The library was filling up really quickly, so someone (I don't remember who) asked us all to stack our chairs to the sides - This was a wizard rock concert afterall. And at wizard rock concerts, you don't sit, you jump up and down like a crazy person.

My post about the actual musical portion of the concert will be up tomorrow!

"No, it’s Draco and Harry sitting in a tree S-N-O-G-G-I-N-G. It’s Draco and Harry sitting in a tree F-A-L-L-I-N-G in love," In Which Draco and Harry Secretly Want To Make Out, The Whomping Willows


*Which took a while. Darn Mapquest and its need to confuse us.
**It made me REALLY happy when she knew right away that they were in Gryffindor colors.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Review of Skyway Flyer

I had previously posted my excitement about California Dorks getting so popular. I may not have reviewed the Skyway Flyer album otherwise.*

However, I have just now finished completely listening all the way through the CD, and am going to give my very brief opinion on it.

My immediate favorites were Feel the Song and Behind Your Eyes. They are both the songs that I felt a sudden urge to replay, but did not, because I may never have finished the rest of the album. I can't include California Dorks on this list, because I've known it for a while. But rest assured, I also wanted to replay it.

I really like all of the collaborations that Jason did with people, so I Need a Melody and I'll See Her There are some of my favorites too.

Overall, the entire sound of the album really reminds me of Mr. Munday, which is a good thing. I really like it, and will wear my California Dorks t-shirt with pride.

Buy the album:


*I was going to review Erase This, but ultimately failed at it. So yeah. Bad experiences with reviewing DFTBA albums.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Why I like Hayley G Hoover so much

I’ve recently discovered why I like Hayley G Hoover so much.

I mean, she is awesome and wonderful and Hayley, but I’ve found something more than that.

Both her looks and personality remind me greatly of my friend Taylor.

Yes, the one that I went to camp with. She kind of taught me to swim, and shared my obsession with Metro Station.*

So, I’ve been reading through these old emails from her, and realized that I haven’t even made contact with her since December of 2009. This was my last email from her:

Hi Jessica!
How have you been? Did you get snow? We did!
I got all A's in the first marking period. it was my frist time ever and I was really happy!
It's almost Christmas! Yay!

So how are your books coming along? Did you win the Umm, book competition thing you said you wanted to enter? How tall are you? I'm 5 fett 5 inches but you're probally taller like always. Corey was like 4 feet tall compared to us!

We haven't talked in awhile and my spelling is still crapy so if something is spelled wrong I'm sorry.

I love how she apologizes for her poor spelling, because you know that I would’ve pointed it out.
Reading through the old emails have made me cry. Not because I’m sad; because I miss talking to her. We used to talk about the most random things. I remember that we would always be in a competition to see who was taller, but I would almost always win. I remember when she first got braces. I remember talking about mustard** and having races in the pool, which were totally not fair because, hello, I couldn’t swim. I remember experiencing all of these things with her… From Jazzercise to the Bloody Mary myth, we went through it all during those summers.

I miss her. So much.

A classic convo between us that I found in my email…

Taylor: Do you do any sports?
Me: Nope. I iz lazy :)
Taylor: I iz laz-eier than you!
Me: Oh really!?!
Taylor: REALLY!

Sadface. To reconnect, I am sending her this blog post.

“Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words that I can't say. Tonight I'm writing you a million miles away. Tonight is all about ‘We miss you.’ And I can't forget your style or your cynicism, somehow it was like you were the first to listen to everything we said.” Homesick at Space Camp, Fall Out Boy


*Funny thing, as shown in an email from her on June 11, 2009, we both gave up on Metro Station and turned to Fall Out Boy at the same time. Without even contacting each other. :)
**She loved it, I never tried it. Still haven’t.


I just uploaded a new video, and should really be putting up a post about that. I think it can wait until tomorrow, though.

I just started writing my novel a few minutes ago, and I have a BEGINNING. This happens a lot, and always in different ways. But it's a nice start. I don't particularly want criticism on it, because it most likely will not be used for anything. But I want you to read it:

Sometimes, I just want my life to be more dramatic than it is. I read about all of these adventures of self discovery and hear about all of these inspiring stories happening in places where I’ve never been. Is it so wrong to want your life to be tragic? I suppose it is. I feel a need to be depressed and suicidal, have family problems. Maybe an eating disorder. This possibly speaks towards a mental illness. One can only hope.

I'm not sure if Luna would really say that, but I'm keeping it, for a few days at least.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Jess is really stupid...

I went to Geneva's house on Thursday for a few hours. I had originally invited her over to my house, but she had to watch her little sister Gia.

I was kinda worried that it would be really boring, because Gia is four years younger than us and tends to ruin everything. But all was fine after I introduced them to omegle.

Although there were often times when we had to yell at Gia not to look at the screen, it was sooo much fun. Each time we made up a new person that we were going to be, all of them very unlike ourselves. I think that there was only one time when we ever said something even close to the truth, which was when we said out name was Geneva.*

But omegle gets boring eventually.

This would be the part when the day turned ugly.

Neva has all of these fish in her room from her Science Fair project. She says that they were supposed to die in two weeks, but have instead survived for months. She really hates those fish. So the three of us got this brilliant idea to pick out the ugliest one and feed it to her cat.

Er... See it for yourself:

*Although, we also said that we lived in Friesland, so we still weren't close to giving anything away.

Monday, July 12, 2010

My Muggle Parents Just Don't Understand

I hate to sound all stereotypically teenager, but in this post, I'm going to complain about how my parents don't understand me.

Sigh. But really, they don't. My dad keeps making a big deal about my Pizza John shirt. He says that I'm obsessed with John* and that he's just forcing me to buy all of this stuff. I don't know why, but even after I've explained the reason why John has fans**, our conversations still sound like this:***

"Well, why does his opinion matter more than mine? Why does anyone care about him?"
"He's a bestselling author with hundreds of thousands of online followers!"
"What does that matter? Does that mean that I can just sell a shirt with my face on it, and then make millions of dollars from it?"
"DAD, John is not a millionaire! He isn't forcing anyone to buy anything! AND NO ONE WOULD WANT A SHIRT WITH YOUR FACE ON IT BECAUSE NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU!"

Anyway, I thought that my mom would be better. Afterall, she is the one that is bringing me to the Roflcoptour show in Old Bridge, NJ. But no. She is not much better.

Just twenty minutes or so ago, I started talking about how the Roflcoptour people are going to be playing at Infinitus. My mom now says that I am obsessed.

Again, they're video bloggers. Their lives are all over the internet. It's not like I was going on and on about how much I love Kristina's bedroom****. I was just talking about their tour, which is not exactly secret knowledge.

In case you were wondering, I was saying how they are going down to Florida shortly before we are. I didn't say more than two sentences about it, and all of a sudden, I'm obsessed.

Oh, the woes of being a Nerdfighter.

"My muggle friends just don't understand... And Harry Potter has taken over life as we know it, I have to admit. I gave up hiding my obsession, I'm suffering from post-potter depression." - Post-Potter Depression, Lauren Fairweather


*Not true. I agree that I sound like I am, however. But John's a VIDEO BLOGGER. You learn a lot about them, because they mainly TALK ABOUT THEMSELVES ALL THE TIME. Duh.
**Which, by the way, is very difficult to do without mentioning various things that would take further explanation, such as: nerdfighters/nerdfighteria, vidcon, Twitter, and Brotherhood 2.0
***My dad saying the things in orange, and me in blue. Though I'm pretty sure you gathered that.
****...Which is pretty awesome, but I wouldn't go on and on about it. But seriously, rainbow bed? AWESOME.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sooooo Tired

Hi. It is really late... (Or early, if you want to be technical.)

I am very, very tired, but I will not let myself go to sleep. The Harry Potter alliance has just been passed by another charity in a competition to win $250,000. But they are only beaten by less than 200 votes, which is actually very few. So, with all of this constant updating and fluctuation, I cannot let myself miss the outcome.

I'm not sure if anything that I wrote just made sense... But... If it is still July 12 when you see this, vote for the HPA:

I have been listening to Seven Potters for a while now, because it keeps me awake. As such...

"With seven Potters, there's a million ways to make it home tonight. Oh, tonight, we must fly." - Seven Potters, The Remus Lupins


Friday, July 9, 2010

Can't Seem to Write

...So instead, I'm going to* list all of the things I want to blog about.

-I got a bunch of new books a while ago, including the newest Molly Moon book. Molly Moon was what really got me started reading larger books, so even though I'm technically too old to read it, I'm going to anyway. Also, I read my first book by Maureen Jonhson (13 Little Blue Envelopes) and it was awesome.
-Though I wasn't sure of it before, I can now say with confidence that I am going to a Roflcoptour show. I'm going to be at the one in Old Bridge, NJ. It's 2 hours away, but soooo worth it.
-Yes, I will post videos of the Roflcoptour show.
-I got a bunch of buttons in the mail. They are all Harry Potter, LOST, or Nerdfighter related. I will get 14 more over the course of this summer.
-Yesterday, I found out what "team" I'm going to be on for eighth grade. Teams are different sections of each grade, and eighth grade has three of them. You have almost all of your classes with the people that are in your team. I also know that a bunch of really awesome people are in my team, which makes me happy.** Gil is also on my team :)
-Gil is the name of the guy that I like. It is not his real name, for I am not that foolish. However, it is an acronym for "Guy I Like." Clever, no?
-My mom got a letter in the mail from my vice principal. I have been chosen as a Student Leader, which apparently is an eighth grader who is polite and passionate about learning. As such, I am going to sixth grade's Locker Night to help out. I get to give tours of the school! Yay! Normally, I would hate such a thing, but for some reason I am really excited about that.

And that is all that I have to say. My sister just got here, and my laptop is about to die. Omg, she's coming down the steps right now. No, wait, that's just my dad. Enough with the live commentary.

"I remember our software was compatible. I think I felt my circuit board ignite." - Don't Unplug Me, ALL CAPS


PS: My sister has been here three minutes, and has already destroyed something. Yet, she fails to comprehend the fact that I am the better child. *rolls eyes*

*In a very Hayley G Hoover fashion
**That reminds me, I have to check my texts to see if Shannon told me what team she's on.