Yay! Time to describe the concert part! Funny thing is, I can't hear out of my right ear currently. So yeah. Here's a quick review video that I made:
When my mom was driving us to New Jersey, I was thinking a lot about what I was expecting to occur at this concert. Honestly, it fit my expectations plus more. I knew that, at the very least, the first band's set was going to be very awkward. No one was really comfortable around each other enough to sing and dance yet, so we all kind of stood there awkwardly.
I just checked my right earbud, and it has blood on it. Awesome. And yes, I realize that is tmi.* But, I can hear slightly better, so that is a good thing.
Back to the concert. So, the Parselmouths went first. I actually only own a few of their songs, but I knew most of what they played. One that I did not know, but had heard of, was Please Harry. Here is that performance:
Justin as Harry was hilarious.
Next to play was Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quill(s). There was only one quill, though, and that was Eia. I didn't know any of his songs, but I liked that I figured out most of them. I really had only heard of one of his songs before, and that was Dumbledore is Gay and That's Okay.
I actually did take footage of this, but for some reason never uploaded it to YouTube. Oh well. You'll have to live without it.
I don't exactly remember what happened next, but I think that Lauren and Kristina came to the front to film 5AG stuff. That was AMAZING. I was so psyched!** The footage was in Lauren's video, where you can see me a few times ^_^
Surprisingly, hugging people that I didn't know wasn't very awkward. And I got to hug Lauren. Again. Yeah. But the love of all of the nerdfighters was just fantastic, and that was one of the best parts of the entire day.
Kristina then went back behind the merch table and Lauren performed. Oh, I love Lauren :) She is amazingtastic. I knew pretty much all of the songs that she played, though I barely knew Engines Make Me Hot. So that is the song that I filmed.
I know that they did this at every show, but I feel the need to tell you something really cute. Y'know how in Post-Potter Depression, Lauren sings, "Matt Maggiacomo is my patronus"?*** When the Armoured Bearcub set was about to begin, Lauren said, "Expecto Patronum!" and then Matt appeared. It was adorable.
Again, I knew most of the Armoured Bearcub songs, except for In Which Buffy Slays Edward, which I filmed and did not upload it to YouTube. Again, you'll have to live. I'm sure if you really wanted to see it you could just search YouTube and probably find a recording from the same exact show.
Then Matt, as the Whomping Willows, performed. I didn't know many of his songs, except for a few of the choruses, but I still loved it! Here's some footage of him singing Fall in Love Tonight:
Just remembered something. The 5AG stuff happened AFTER Matt performed. I remember this because Kristina said that we could all continue hugging if we wanted to while they set up for ALL CAPS. I'm not going back and changing the post.
So ALL CAPS went next and I'm sorry to say that I got no footage of them. I was too busy dancing and singing. I lost my voice around halfway through their set. I of course knew all of the songs that they played. Don't Unplug Me, the finale, was just as epic as I expected it to be. Everyone was in synch and singing along and... Ah. Just spectacular.
After the show, I went and bought some more merch including the Armoured Bearcub White Album and two t-shirts.
*Oh, how I hate saying "tmi." I hate many abbreviations such as that, but tend to use them anyway.
**Eww. I hate that word too. Why do I insist on using words that I despise?
***I don't believe that is proper punctuation. Whatever.
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