My last couple of posts have been very spur-of-the-moment and choppy, as is this one. I think that this may become my new format for my posts. I mean, I'm not going to give up my long and rambly* past, but I really like these quick writing things.
One of the reasons for this temporary new format is because I want to take some time off to write really good and long posts. I want to have a stock of them so that whenever I want to update but don't have anything interesting to say, I can just publish one of them. It takes a while to write posts, and as I want to have at least ten finished before I start up again, these type of posts will happen a lot.
Anyway, the main point of this post is just to show everyone Winona's video which made me re-discover my love for Tom Milsom's song "Toy (Ode to an Imaginary Pachyderm)." Check it out:
Also, if you could, like, leave her some love, that would be nice. Like, comment on the video or something? I don't know.
*I do not believe that is a word, but I'd like to think that it is one.
Edit: Writing your 60th post unintentionally FTW.
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