Sunday, April 18, 2010


If anyone is ever going to read this blog, they must understand one thing:

I am a procrastinator.

Obviously, almost everyone who spends the majority of their time online is a procrastinator. But, I am different.

Quite different, actually, dear reader. When most people procrastinate, they are doing it to avoid doing something they either (1) don't understand or (2) find unpleasant. But no, not me. I am steadfastly avoiding working on something that I enjoy very much.

I am only at page 45 of my Script Frenzy screenplay.

Those of you who know anything about Script Frenzy or have participated in it before surely must be dissapointed in me. And so you should. For, I should be at approximately page 59 (more like 59 and a half, but still).

I wish that I could come up with some sort of excuse for my unexcusable behavior. Sadly, I cannot.

Even worse? I'm updating a blog that no one is really reading anyway when I should be writing. I'm not sure what is wrong with me. I faintly remember the same sort of thing happening last year when I was in the Young Writer's Program for NaNoWriMo. Everything went well for the first week and a half or so, and then I didn't write for days. Ugh. Sigh.

I was hoping that maybe updating my blog would help me to find the motivation to write, but it doesn't seem to be working. Well... I guess I can tell how my life has been recently.

The school year is winding down, and my teachers have decided that it is the perfect time to assign huge assignments. ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Yes, I exaggerate. But still. I am very close to joining the large group of my peers who hate my third period teacher.

Other than that, life has been going fairly well. My room is (amazingly) clean, and I found out the other day that I get to write an article about Script Frenzy for the school paper. Hopefully, I'll actually finish the screenplay so that I won't look like a loser to all of the school. Or at least the portion of the school that will actually read the article. Which isn't much.

- I'm still looking for questions, if you have any for me.
- Do you have a procrastination problem as well?

"Dear Diary, what am I doing? He is dumb and a child, but then once in a while, he'll say something. Dear Diary, we were just friends, but somehow that all changed, my whole life rearranged, what is this feeling? What is this feeling?" - Dear Diary, The Parselmouths


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