Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hey :)

To answer your immediate questions:

1. “Ecrivant Lune” means Writing Moon
2. Yes, that’s French
3. No, I don’t really speak French
4. By “really,” I mean that I know a bit of basic (and not so basic) French vocabulary, though very little that I could tell you right now (Without going on Google Language Tools, which I happen to do quite a bit.) However, if I saw it written somewhere, I would most likely recognize any word that I have taught myself

Now that that’s over (Oh, how I hate repeating two words in a row!)*, let me begin.

Hey. My name’s Jess. I’m 13 years old and my birthday is March 24. That of course means that I’m an Aries, which you better not forget (more on that eventually.) Every April (well, from now on) I do Script Frenzy** and every November I do NaNoWriMo** (since last year!), and I’m writing a series*** that is very complicated, that I may or may not explain at some point during this blog. I love animals, and I want to teach high school English when I get older (though being an author is the dream!)

And… Um… Uh…

I have no idea what else to tell you about me. Leave a comment asking me any questions, which I’ll try to answer eventually! (Whenever I get enough, basically.)

So, you may be wondering what it is that I’m going to do with this blog. Well, I’m planning on multiple things. Sometimes, I’ll just tell you about my day. Other days, I’ll give my opinion on some sort of current event. I also might do some book and/or music reviews. Other days, I’m going to choose a topic and just say as much as can about it. Hey, if you want to, leave me a few topics that you would want me to write about (Such as music, writing, YouTube, etc. and feel free to use those examples!). Maybe a book or band that you want me to review? Current events, if you know of anything that would be interesting, would be greatly appreciated as well.

I don’t know how often I’ll be updating, because if I gave myself a schedule right now, I probably wouldn’t stick to it. Mondays and Wednesdays probably, but I’m not promising anything.

- Do you have any questions for me?
- Any topics, books, bands, current events, etc. that you want me to blog about?

“Cuz I’m finally on my own… So far away from home… And I’m fighting all alone…. I’ve got no place to call my own…” – Goodbye Privet Drive, Ministry of Magic


*You’ll find that I use parentheses a lot.
**Kudos to you if you know what either or both of those things are. If not, don’t worry, I’ll explain Script Frenzy soon, and NaNoWriMo eventually
***Well, none of it is actually written yet. I’ve yet to get very far, but it’s all plotted in my head, and my characters have become so real that I swear they’re real sometimes.

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