Friday, December 31, 2010


So... Um... I'm kind of Wednesday on FiveTeenVloggers.

I KNOW RIGHT?! I mean... I guess... I'm a good vlogger, I s'pose? I don't know.

I'm super excited for this. And I'm talking to Jorgina on Facebook, and squeeing every time someone new comments on the 5TVResults video... And, just... Gahhh.

(Also, I apologize for not telling any of you about this sooner, because I've known for a few days now. But I was sworn to secrecy. Not really. Will just asked me not to tell anyone, which is good, because you all know that I would've blogged and/or tweeted about it right away.)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats :) And you have an awesome Doctor Who nerd in your collab! Can't wait to watch the videos.
    Happy New Year <3 :)
