Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Reaction: The Beast Below

Just... gahhhhh. I love this show. I love this show. I LOVE THIS SHOW.

Again, I'm going to compare Doctor Who to LOST. This time, in a different way. LOST is a very confusing show, with a bunch of different details that are normally hard to keep track of. Sometimes, it takes multiple episodes, multiple seasons to figure out what they mean. But when it all comes together, you completely see where it was coming from, although you could've never predicted it before. This episode just did that.

I really like Amy. She's really relatable, maybe just to me. If the Doctor had came to me one night, promising to be back in five minutes, but never turning up, I would probably react the same. In this episode, I love how she's fallible, yet still able to figure out what to do in the end. As a writer, I also find myself admiring the development of her character, which is just fantastic.

I also need to say how much I love the Doctor right now. Every time I see him, I just smile. And it's not because of Matt Smith and his adorableness, but I'm sure that's part of it. It's just his mannerisms, and how cool he is with everything. He's just interested in finding everything out, but doesn't get too worried. (Well, usually. Until the climax of this episode.) Are all of the Doctors like this, or are those just traits of the Eleventh Doctor?

Episode Rating: 9.6/10 (I still liked the first episode better, but I really enjoyed how confusing this episode was. I'm tired of being able to figure everything out right away like I can with other shows that I watch.)
Prediction: ZOMG IT'S ANOTHER CRACK. I remember that has something to do with the Pandorica, but I don't even know what that is. And now I'm also left wondering when Amy's going to tell the Doctor about her WEDDING WHICH SHE SHOULD GO TO. Yeah. No real predictions, really. Sorry.


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