If you are not following @BPglobalpr on Twitter, you really should.
I haven't said anything about this, but I'm completely furious with this oil spill shiz.*
*Well, no crap. I don't think anyone's happy about it, me from 30 seconds ago.
Monday, May 31, 2010
The Air Conditioning Gods are Pleased with Me
My room has problems with temperature. In the winter, it is always REALLY FREAKING COLD, sometimes even colder than it is outside. In the summer, it is always REALLY FREAKING HOT, always hotter than it is outside. It is like this in my mom's house, in my dad's house, even in all of the houses that we've lived in previously. But, now....
I have an air conditioner. In the window. And it's like the most amazing thing ever.

It's probably 50 degrees in my room, as opposed to outisde, which is (as of 3:05) 89 degrees. WIN.
Yesterday, I was at a family party. It was sort of for Memorial Day, but it was also for my little cousins' birthdays. It was my stepmom's side of the family, so I met family that wasn't even family. (Like, my step-uncle-by-marriage's sister's kids)
I don't have much else to report except:
But, June 18 is still a few weeks away, and I have 14 more days of school.
Here are some pictures that my sister took on Saturday:
Me with a stupid face (on purpose!) and my sister with her tongue out.
Me, with an unintentional stupid squinty face, and my sister with her tongue out AGAIN.

I have an air conditioner. In the window. And it's like the most amazing thing ever.
It's probably 50 degrees in my room, as opposed to outisde, which is (as of 3:05) 89 degrees. WIN.
Yesterday, I was at a family party. It was sort of for Memorial Day, but it was also for my little cousins' birthdays. It was my stepmom's side of the family, so I met family that wasn't even family. (Like, my step-uncle-by-marriage's sister's kids)
I don't have much else to report except:
But, June 18 is still a few weeks away, and I have 14 more days of school.
Here are some pictures that my sister took on Saturday:

Here, you can clearly see my extremely long hair, which shall be cut soon. And then there's Leo, my kitten :)
Now, I'm off to order shirts and things off of the internetz, including Songs for a New Day by Mike Lombardo, who left for his tour today. Yes, I should have ordered it a long time ago, but I have neglected it until now. Oh well.
"I'm sorry I told you I loved you, I meant it at the time. I should've paid more attention, I knew I couldn't hide. I wanted to tell you the truth, but I couldn't say it right. I should've paid more attention, I knew I couldn't hide." - The Time of Your Life, Alex Day
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Hi. My name is Jess, and I fail at blogging.
So... I said that I was going to post my LOST reaction blog on Monday. Didn't happen.
So I apologized on Twitter, and then said that I would post it today. But, for some reason*, the acoustic guitar that's in the corner of my room beckoned me five minutes ago.
In short, I'm currently teaching myself to play the guitar, and I'm not going to post my blog tonight. Maybe ever. Hehe.
*I blame my epic procrastination skills. This may also be the reason why this post is so short.
So I apologized on Twitter, and then said that I would post it today. But, for some reason*, the acoustic guitar that's in the corner of my room beckoned me five minutes ago.
In short, I'm currently teaching myself to play the guitar, and I'm not going to post my blog tonight. Maybe ever. Hehe.
*I blame my epic procrastination skills. This may also be the reason why this post is so short.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I totally wasn't going to do a blog post today. However, I took notes during last night's episode of Lost, so I decided to just post them now.*
-Aww! Claire & Jack & Jack's son (name?)** are sooo cute together as a family!
-Really, Des, really?
-Well, let's go find Des!
-Omg, is he going to run him over again? Nope, let's just beat up Ben.
-Ben! Miles! Richard! I missed you!
-Wait, when are we?*** Who does Miles see/hear? Alex? Yep.
-Can you find the light in the secreter room?
-Hello? LAPD. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.**** Just show me Sawyer & Miles.
-Des, what are you planning? Ah, I get it. Everyone else is in jail, too.
-Crap. Now Sawyer's guilty.
-Hey there, Young Jacob.
-Hey there, Regular Jacob.
-We ARE very close to the end. maybe the last episode will be Jacob dying for good.
-Haha. Because I asked xD
-Is... Is that? Rousseau? Uh...
-BAM! Kill her, Smokey!*****
-Wait, don't kill Penny!
-I still think that Jack is going to have to watch over the island, but it would be awesome if it was Hurley.******
-Of course Jack will do it!
And I just stopped taking notes there. I have nothing else to really say.
"And with a sigh he can't explain why... But he can't say 'goodbye.'" - Can't, Tom Milsom & Alan Lastufka
*This also might be because I don't want to do my math homework. Just a thought.
**Seriously. Does he have a name? I mean, I know he does, I just can't remember it... *Looks up name* Oh, it's David. I'm stupid.
***My random thought that for some reason I included in that particular note. Don't ask.
****Again, don't ask. I started laughing like a crazy person at that part.
*****One of my favorite parts of the entire episode :) Also, I call him: Flocke, Esau, MIB, Loophole, and obviously, Smokey.
******This was before Jack volunteered to watch over the island. I mean, I know that he is pretty much the main character and all, but I kinda wanted it to be completely random.
-Aww! Claire & Jack & Jack's son (name?)** are sooo cute together as a family!
-Really, Des, really?
-Well, let's go find Des!
-Omg, is he going to run him over again? Nope, let's just beat up Ben.
-Ben! Miles! Richard! I missed you!
-Wait, when are we?*** Who does Miles see/hear? Alex? Yep.
-Can you find the light in the secreter room?
-Hello? LAPD. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.**** Just show me Sawyer & Miles.
-Des, what are you planning? Ah, I get it. Everyone else is in jail, too.
-Crap. Now Sawyer's guilty.
-Hey there, Young Jacob.
-Hey there, Regular Jacob.
-We ARE very close to the end. maybe the last episode will be Jacob dying for good.
-Haha. Because I asked xD
-Is... Is that? Rousseau? Uh...
-BAM! Kill her, Smokey!*****
-Wait, don't kill Penny!
-I still think that Jack is going to have to watch over the island, but it would be awesome if it was Hurley.******
-Of course Jack will do it!
And I just stopped taking notes there. I have nothing else to really say.
"And with a sigh he can't explain why... But he can't say 'goodbye.'" - Can't, Tom Milsom & Alan Lastufka
*This also might be because I don't want to do my math homework. Just a thought.
**Seriously. Does he have a name? I mean, I know he does, I just can't remember it... *Looks up name* Oh, it's David. I'm stupid.
***My random thought that for some reason I included in that particular note. Don't ask.
****Again, don't ask. I started laughing like a crazy person at that part.
*****One of my favorite parts of the entire episode :) Also, I call him: Flocke, Esau, MIB, Loophole, and obviously, Smokey.
******This was before Jack volunteered to watch over the island. I mean, I know that he is pretty much the main character and all, but I kinda wanted it to be completely random.
Monday, May 17, 2010
I'm currently writing this in my 7th period Flex class, which is essentially a free period. I have to present this huge project tomorrow, but I don't have any of my materials with me, so I can't even practice. I'm too lazy to work on this fairy tale writing assignment that's due Friday. Anyway, it is based on Luke Conard's video:
Which I can't watch in Flex, and thus, I am uninspired. The only thing that I have to entertain myself is Will Grayson, Will Grayson. (I think I've read Summer of Gay about three times now. Still doesn't get old.)
But I decided to be productive and work on this blog post.
So, and update. I probably should send in my article on Script Frenzy, but I've been putting it off so much that I think I'm just not going to do it. They haven't even contacted me about it, so I don't imagine that it'll affect the newspaper in any way.
LOST. I believe that I have yet to mention LOST thus far on this blog, but I believe that I should. I was actually going to talk about last Tuesday's episode in a seperate post, but it's been almost a week, and I forget some of the details.* If you follow me on Twitter (which anyone who reads this should: http://twitter.com/ecrivantlune), you know that instead of working on my project, I rewatched the pilot episode yesterday. Let me just say, I now remember why I love this show.
Ouch. My hand hurts. I've written too much too fast.
Okay. I'm better now. I wore my blue ALL CAPS t-shirt today, which made me pretty happy. I would love to wear either my Pizza John or Nationeer shirt tomorrow, but my Language Arts teacher says that I have to dress up for my presentation. I kinda feel like just rebelling and wearing the Nationeer shirt. It would be funny, because part of my project is on Kaleb Nation. I would love to just start talking about Kaleb, and explain who he is by pointing at my shirt. xD
The people who sit behind me are annoying.
I can't tell if this post is really long or really short, but either way, I have one more thing that I want to talk about. I'm friends with Emma Duke on Facebook (she's pretty awesome.) She was in Alex's** video yesterday. As a robot. Check it out:
"She was not the cure for cancer, and all my questions still ask for answers, but there is nothing like someone new, and this girl she was nothing like you." - Nothing Like You, Frightened Rabbit
*I forgot to mention that next Monday I'm going to do a blog post on the final episode of LOST. I'll take notes as I watch. Look forward to it!
**Alex Day. Nerimon. I end up just referring to my favorite youtubers by their first names, like: Kristina, Luke, Jason, Alex, Alex (Carpenter, though I'll rarely make the distinction), Charlie, Kaleb, John, Hank, etc. Yes. I realize that I listed far too many examples. Whatever.
I'm currently writing this in my 7th period Flex class, which is essentially a free period. I have to present this huge project tomorrow, but I don't have any of my materials with me, so I can't even practice. I'm too lazy to work on this fairy tale writing assignment that's due Friday. Anyway, it is based on Luke Conard's video:
Which I can't watch in Flex, and thus, I am uninspired. The only thing that I have to entertain myself is Will Grayson, Will Grayson. (I think I've read Summer of Gay about three times now. Still doesn't get old.)
But I decided to be productive and work on this blog post.
So, and update. I probably should send in my article on Script Frenzy, but I've been putting it off so much that I think I'm just not going to do it. They haven't even contacted me about it, so I don't imagine that it'll affect the newspaper in any way.
LOST. I believe that I have yet to mention LOST thus far on this blog, but I believe that I should. I was actually going to talk about last Tuesday's episode in a seperate post, but it's been almost a week, and I forget some of the details.* If you follow me on Twitter (which anyone who reads this should: http://twitter.com/ecrivantlune), you know that instead of working on my project, I rewatched the pilot episode yesterday. Let me just say, I now remember why I love this show.
Ouch. My hand hurts. I've written too much too fast.
Okay. I'm better now. I wore my blue ALL CAPS t-shirt today, which made me pretty happy. I would love to wear either my Pizza John or Nationeer shirt tomorrow, but my Language Arts teacher says that I have to dress up for my presentation. I kinda feel like just rebelling and wearing the Nationeer shirt. It would be funny, because part of my project is on Kaleb Nation. I would love to just start talking about Kaleb, and explain who he is by pointing at my shirt. xD
The people who sit behind me are annoying.
I can't tell if this post is really long or really short, but either way, I have one more thing that I want to talk about. I'm friends with Emma Duke on Facebook (she's pretty awesome.) She was in Alex's** video yesterday. As a robot. Check it out:
"She was not the cure for cancer, and all my questions still ask for answers, but there is nothing like someone new, and this girl she was nothing like you." - Nothing Like You, Frightened Rabbit
*I forgot to mention that next Monday I'm going to do a blog post on the final episode of LOST. I'll take notes as I watch. Look forward to it!
**Alex Day. Nerimon. I end up just referring to my favorite youtubers by their first names, like: Kristina, Luke, Jason, Alex, Alex (Carpenter, though I'll rarely make the distinction), Charlie, Kaleb, John, Hank, etc. Yes. I realize that I listed far too many examples. Whatever.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Yeah... Um... I swear, I wanted to blog over a week ago, but I...
I don't know. I just couldn't find the motivation to write something. Also, the only reason that I'm doing this now is because I am procrastinating working on this writing project, which I have barely started even though it is due tomorrow.
My school life has been getting a little bit less stressful, which is a really good thing. The year is really winding down, and I can't believe that we are already in the sixth marking period.*
I finished Script Frenzy on April 29, in case you were wondering. I was going to make a whole post on that experience, but it's too late now to put something up, so.... Yeah.
For some odd reason, I'm already thinking about this year's NaNoWriMo. I am going to write the first book in my "series"** and I know that it is going to take some serious plotting and planning to write it effectively. So, I'm going to start outlining this week, and continue to all this summer.
I just remembered that my printer is still not working. There is software that I can put on my computer to make the printer work, but I lost the disk that it's on. I know that it is somewhere in my room, but I have yet to find it.
I'm considering starting a YouTube channel. I already have EcrivantLune registered on there, but I only use it to watch/favorite/rate/comment. I wonder if my vlogging would be more interesting than my blogs. I sincerely doubt it. But the entertainment value of both of them could be changed if I had a theme going. This blog is actually my introduction for that.
I have created a 60 day plan of topics that I will talk about from now until I start 8th grade. I barely remember what order the topics are in, which is a pretty good thing. I will make a vlog on each topic, and then write a companion post on here about it. My goal, like I said, is to finish it before the end of this summer.
I wish I could say that I was starting this week. But, alas, I have a few things that need to be taken care of first.
(1) I need new ear buds. I broke mine at my friend's house on Friday.
(2) I need to buy a tripod for my Flip. For some reason, I thought that I wouldn't need a tripod when I originally got the camera.
(3) I need to get my important school things finished, such as the final project for Language Arts that I am presenting next week*** 0n Tuesday that I really need to work on.
Once all of that is done,**** I will begin vlogging and such.
Alright. I guess I just wrote a pretty good blog post here. Hmm.
- What do you think about my vlog/blog idea? Will you watch/read?
- Any questions?
"Home was found in each other’s hands, when different paths didn’t mean different plans. No return trip, yeah after today, just freewheel blood pumping through my little runaway." - Boxcar Blood, Alan Lastufka & Luke Conard
*My school is odd, and we have six marking periods instead of four. I don't know why, but apparently it's new. But because they started it last year, it isn't any different for me.
**I have referred to it as my series for a few years now, although none of the books have been written yet. The series has a name, actually. Revelation.
***WOAH! I seriously did not even realize how soon my presentation is until I looked at the calendar just now. I have to get to work on that!
****Probably by the end of May. Maybe I'll start the 60 day thing on June 1.... Which is a Tuesday, and will not work. Sigh. I'll see. Maybe May 31.
Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ecrivantlune
I don't know. I just couldn't find the motivation to write something. Also, the only reason that I'm doing this now is because I am procrastinating working on this writing project, which I have barely started even though it is due tomorrow.
My school life has been getting a little bit less stressful, which is a really good thing. The year is really winding down, and I can't believe that we are already in the sixth marking period.*
I finished Script Frenzy on April 29, in case you were wondering. I was going to make a whole post on that experience, but it's too late now to put something up, so.... Yeah.
For some odd reason, I'm already thinking about this year's NaNoWriMo. I am going to write the first book in my "series"** and I know that it is going to take some serious plotting and planning to write it effectively. So, I'm going to start outlining this week, and continue to all this summer.
I just remembered that my printer is still not working. There is software that I can put on my computer to make the printer work, but I lost the disk that it's on. I know that it is somewhere in my room, but I have yet to find it.
I'm considering starting a YouTube channel. I already have EcrivantLune registered on there, but I only use it to watch/favorite/rate/comment. I wonder if my vlogging would be more interesting than my blogs. I sincerely doubt it. But the entertainment value of both of them could be changed if I had a theme going. This blog is actually my introduction for that.
I have created a 60 day plan of topics that I will talk about from now until I start 8th grade. I barely remember what order the topics are in, which is a pretty good thing. I will make a vlog on each topic, and then write a companion post on here about it. My goal, like I said, is to finish it before the end of this summer.
I wish I could say that I was starting this week. But, alas, I have a few things that need to be taken care of first.
(1) I need new ear buds. I broke mine at my friend's house on Friday.
(2) I need to buy a tripod for my Flip. For some reason, I thought that I wouldn't need a tripod when I originally got the camera.
(3) I need to get my important school things finished, such as the final project for Language Arts that I am presenting next week*** 0n Tuesday that I really need to work on.
Once all of that is done,**** I will begin vlogging and such.
Alright. I guess I just wrote a pretty good blog post here. Hmm.
- What do you think about my vlog/blog idea? Will you watch/read?
- Any questions?
"Home was found in each other’s hands, when different paths didn’t mean different plans. No return trip, yeah after today, just freewheel blood pumping through my little runaway." - Boxcar Blood, Alan Lastufka & Luke Conard
*My school is odd, and we have six marking periods instead of four. I don't know why, but apparently it's new. But because they started it last year, it isn't any different for me.
**I have referred to it as my series for a few years now, although none of the books have been written yet. The series has a name, actually. Revelation.
***WOAH! I seriously did not even realize how soon my presentation is until I looked at the calendar just now. I have to get to work on that!
****Probably by the end of May. Maybe I'll start the 60 day thing on June 1.... Which is a Tuesday, and will not work. Sigh. I'll see. Maybe May 31.
Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ecrivantlune
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