Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I totally wasn't going to do a blog post today. However, I took notes during last night's episode of Lost, so I decided to just post them now.*


-Aww! Claire & Jack & Jack's son (name?)** are sooo cute together as a family!

-Really, Des, really?

-Well, let's go find Des!

-Omg, is he going to run him over again? Nope, let's just beat up Ben.

-Ben! Miles! Richard! I missed you!

-Wait, when are we?*** Who does Miles see/hear? Alex? Yep.

-Can you find the light in the secreter room?


-Hello? LAPD. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.**** Just show me Sawyer & Miles.

-Des, what are you planning? Ah, I get it. Everyone else is in jail, too.

-Crap. Now Sawyer's guilty.

-Hey there, Young Jacob.

-Hey there, Regular Jacob.

-We ARE very close to the end. maybe the last episode will be Jacob dying for good.

-Haha. Because I asked xD

-Is... Is that? Rousseau? Uh...

-BAM! Kill her, Smokey!*****

-Wait, don't kill Penny!

-I still think that Jack is going to have to watch over the island, but it would be awesome if it was Hurley.******

-Of course Jack will do it!

And I just stopped taking notes there. I have nothing else to really say.

"And with a sigh he can't explain why... But he can't say 'goodbye.'" - Can't, Tom Milsom & Alan Lastufka


*This also might be because I don't want to do my math homework. Just a thought.
**Seriously. Does he have a name? I mean, I know he does, I just can't remember it... *Looks up name* Oh, it's David. I'm stupid.
***My random thought that for some reason I included in that particular note. Don't ask.
****Again, don't ask. I started laughing like a crazy person at that part.
*****One of my favorite parts of the entire episode :) Also, I call him: Flocke, Esau, MIB, Loophole, and obviously, Smokey.
******This was before Jack volunteered to watch over the island. I mean, I know that he is pretty much the main character and all, but I kinda wanted it to be completely random.

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