I have an air conditioner. In the window. And it's like the most amazing thing ever.
It's probably 50 degrees in my room, as opposed to outisde, which is (as of 3:05) 89 degrees. WIN.
Yesterday, I was at a family party. It was sort of for Memorial Day, but it was also for my little cousins' birthdays. It was my stepmom's side of the family, so I met family that wasn't even family. (Like, my step-uncle-by-marriage's sister's kids)
I don't have much else to report except:
But, June 18 is still a few weeks away, and I have 14 more days of school.
Here are some pictures that my sister took on Saturday:

Here, you can clearly see my extremely long hair, which shall be cut soon. And then there's Leo, my kitten :)
Now, I'm off to order shirts and things off of the internetz, including Songs for a New Day by Mike Lombardo, who left for his tour today. Yes, I should have ordered it a long time ago, but I have neglected it until now. Oh well.
"I'm sorry I told you I loved you, I meant it at the time. I should've paid more attention, I knew I couldn't hide. I wanted to tell you the truth, but I couldn't say it right. I should've paid more attention, I knew I couldn't hide." - The Time of Your Life, Alex Day
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