Monday, May 17, 2010



I'm currently writing this in my 7th period Flex class, which is essentially a free period. I have to present this huge project tomorrow, but I don't have any of my materials with me, so I can't even practice. I'm too lazy to work on this fairy tale writing assignment that's due Friday. Anyway, it is based on Luke Conard's video:

Which I can't watch in Flex, and thus, I am uninspired. The only thing that I have to entertain myself is Will Grayson, Will Grayson. (I think I've read Summer of Gay about three times now. Still doesn't get old.)

But I decided to be productive and work on this blog post.

So, and update. I probably should send in my article on Script Frenzy, but I've been putting it off so much that I think I'm just not going to do it. They haven't even contacted me about it, so I don't imagine that it'll affect the newspaper in any way.

LOST. I believe that I have yet to mention LOST thus far on this blog, but I believe that I should. I was actually going to talk about last Tuesday's episode in a seperate post, but it's been almost a week, and I forget some of the details.* If you follow me on Twitter (which anyone who reads this should:, you know that instead of working on my project, I rewatched the pilot episode yesterday. Let me just say, I now remember why I love this show.

Ouch. My hand hurts. I've written too much too fast.

Okay. I'm better now. I wore my blue ALL CAPS t-shirt today, which made me pretty happy. I would love to wear either my Pizza John or Nationeer shirt tomorrow, but my Language Arts teacher says that I have to dress up for my presentation. I kinda feel like just rebelling and wearing the Nationeer shirt. It would be funny, because part of my project is on Kaleb Nation. I would love to just start talking about Kaleb, and explain who he is by pointing at my shirt. xD

The people who sit behind me are annoying.


I can't tell if this post is really long or really short, but either way, I have one more thing that I want to talk about. I'm friends with Emma Duke on Facebook (she's pretty awesome.) She was in Alex's** video yesterday. As a robot. Check it out:

"She was not the cure for cancer, and all my questions still ask for answers, but there is nothing like someone new, and this girl she was nothing like you." - Nothing Like You, Frightened Rabbit


*I forgot to mention that next Monday I'm going to do a blog post on the final episode of LOST. I'll take notes as I watch. Look forward to it!
**Alex Day. Nerimon. I end up just referring to my favorite youtubers by their first names, like: Kristina, Luke, Jason, Alex, Alex (Carpenter, though I'll rarely make the distinction), Charlie, Kaleb, John, Hank, etc. Yes. I realize that I listed far too many examples. Whatever.

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