Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Goodbye August (BEDA Day 31)
August 1 - I sat in a hotel lobby in Orlando Florida.
August 2 - I thought that BEDA was getting hard by the second day, only because I was too lazy to write a post after I flew back home.
August 3 - I thanked Twilight for allowing me to find way more awesome things.
August 4 - I almost impulsively bought a piano after watching a video by Mike Lombardo.
August 5 - I remembered to RSVP to a sleepover birthday party on the last day possible.
August 6 - I read fanfiction instead of feeding fish.
August 7 - I made s'mores and complained about YouTube changes.
August 8 - I stated my opinion on hater comments.
August 9 - I complained about stuff and noticed that I'm ambidextrous.
August 10 - I announced that I was going to be a part of "this nerdfighter-tastic blog collab thingy with four other nerdfighters."
August 11 - I rambled about the yet to be named collab and told everyone a secret.
August 12 - I sang, "Dragon take-off, people running, downhill people running, FLEX. Part 1 November walking. Chase that fire you wizards, flying horse! ...Lizards. Look out Harry, too late got him, help him Ron. SWING! Part 2 July 2 burning. People running backwards screaming..."
August 13 - I announced the name of my blog collab and talked about the word merp.
August 14 - I said that I was going to start reading again.
August 15 - I made wrock playlists and thought it was December.
August 16 - I ate a sugar quill and sort of made Taylor write my blog post.
August 17 - I complained about NerdfighterSecrets.
August 18 - I announced my failure of a book club.
August 19 - I sort of admitted that my life revolves around Kristina.
August 20 - I fed fish, made a video about Nerdily Ever After, and complained about having to blog.
August 21 - I went to a baseball game and tried honey mustard.
August 22 - I talked about Mockingjay and how excited I was for it.
August 23 - I got necklaces in the mail and found out that I couldn't go to my best friend's birthday party.
August 24 - I gave tours of my school.
August 25 - I told stories about the tours that I gave the day before and listed things that I hated. I read Mockingjay. I cried about Esther, who died that day.
August 26 - I found out an interesting fact about gummy bears.
August 27 - I spent time in NYC/NJ and failed at counting.
August 28 - I reviewed Mockingjay, with spoilers abound.
August 29 - I found out school details.
August 30 - I posted pictures with (at least I hope so) entertaining captions.
August 31 - I couldn't come up with a topic for today's blog post, so I just summarized everything that I'd already written this month. I realized how eventful this month was, and how I'll never forget it. I almost exploded with happiness as I looked at the followers on my blogs, finding that they both were 7.
See you in September, everybody.
"By the way, I'm okay right now, right now. Found a way, everyday somehow." - Right Now, Mike Lombardo
Monday, August 30, 2010
Schnappi! Pictures! Exclamation Points! (BEDA Day 30)
It's official - Nerdily Ever After now has more followers than I do. I am so happy about that. I can't wait to see the progress of the project. Also, some of you reading this have been directed here from NEA. That's exciting. The pictures that I have promised are below.
I just uploaded a bunch of pictures from my camera. I now have awesome pictures like this:
I also have pictures from that sleepover that I went to:
That's Claire. She's sitting in a box.
Oh, and here's a picture of me with a dragon on my head:
And I have some really stupid pictures of me as well:
Below is the picture that I promised. Did you know that the triceratops is no longer a real dinosaur? We've been lied to. Here's me, looking angry/upset while standing next to a triceratops:
That is all, my friends.
PS: These last two pictures are only funny if you've read my NEA post. I wasn't lying.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Blog blog blog blog blog blog blog (BEDA Day 29)
In other news, I am super excited for school to start. My first day is next Tuesday. I have already gotten most of the school supplies that I need, but I just need to get a few more things later this week. Tomorrow I'm most likely going school clothes/shoes shopping. Ugh. I hate it. Especially going with my mom. I have no idea why, but shopping with her is the opposite of fun.
I used to not like clothes very much. Now I do, but I'm more of a ML3-piano-being-crushed-by-a-rock-blue-shirt person than a frilly-pink-overpriced-whatever person.
Also, I just found out who my homeroom teacher is for this year. I don't know many people that have my teacher, but I do know a bunch with my team, so I'll probably have classes with the people that I've been wanting to. No idea about Gil yet.
I wanted to get my NEA post up as soon as I woke up tomorrow morning, but that isn't going to happen. I have very little of it written yet. For some reason, I take more care in writing NEA posts than EcrivantLune posts. I guess it's because I'm having a conversation there, whereas here it's just a spew of mental vomit. Lovely picture, right?
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Mockingjay (BEDA Day 28)
My short non-spoilery review of Mockingjay:
Wow. It was amazing and perfect, and completely unexpected. It's much darker than the other books, and there are a lot of deaths. Well, it's a war, so that's to be expected. She ended up with the perfect person, whether or not I originally thought they were going to be perfect. If you haven't read the series yet, I really suggest that you do.
Now, below, I'm going to do a very spoiler-filled review of the book.
Oh my God, this book is brilliant.
It was completely different from what I expected. I'm not sure what I expected exactly, because obviously there was going to be a war, and wars aren't fun. But wow, it was brilliantly written.
I believe that someone on the Ning said this, but I completely agree with them so I'm stealing their opinion. Unlike many other YA authors, Suzanne Collins didn't try to make Katniss as relatable as possible. Katniss could get annoying at times, and there were definitely points in the book where I screamed at the page because of her poor decisions. She's just so real of a character. Katniss has all the best and worst parts of a human, and she was described perfectly.
I've read reviews that said that the only reason that they didn't like the book was because it was so real. People who have been in war were having terrible flashbacks, because all of the emotions were exactly the way they actually are. People who have family and friends that have had memory problems could barely handle the Peeta hijacking scenes, because they've played the "Real or Not Real?" game. I think that just proves how great of an author Collins is.
My favorite quote in the book is at the beginning of Chapter 24:
"As if in the end, it will be the question of whether a baker or a hunter will extend my longevity the most. It's a horrible thing for Gale to say, for Peeta not to refute. Especially when every emotion I have has been taken and exploited by the Capitol or the rebels. At the moment, the choice would be simple. I can survive just fine without either of them."
I actually have that part of the book marked, so I can go back and re-read it. I love that quote so much, especially the bolded part, mainly because of some of the discussions that I had about the book before it came out. How we decided that Katniss didn't really need a man, and we should only be worried about everyone's survival, not who "won" in the love triangle.
There were only a few deaths that hurt me so much that I had to put down the book. Surprisingly, Prim's was not one of them. I mean, don't get me wrong, I was devastated, but I was crying really hard at other parts. I don't believe that we knew about Cinna's death before this book, and that was the first part where I just put the book down and cried. I love Cinna. He was one of those people that I never even considered could go; he was a bit of the "Hedwig" of the book for me, if you'll allow me to make an HP reference. Also, I was very sad at Finnick's death. I didn't really like Finnick in Catching Fire, but he definitely grew on me during Mockingjay. The wedding scene was adorable.
Only problem: I didn't really get to enjoy the wedding scene, because I knew that something had to go wrong. Each chapter ended on a cliffhanger, but they were quite different than every other cliffhanger that I experienced before. With these cliffhangers, I just could barely find the strength to move on. When a chapter ended with Peeta choking Katniss, I just wanted to close the book and walk away. But I didn't. And at every touching, calm, or adorable part, something bad was just on its way. I remember muttering, when I got to the wedding part, "Aww, this is so cute. But it's just going to lead to something horrible." I couldn't get myself to enjoy it, because I was afraid to get comfortable.
Now for the ending. I'm very glad that Peeta and Katniss got together at the end, but I'm just so glad that it wasn't a super happy ending. I got this empty feeling radiating off of them, which was just perfect. I am extremely happy that Katniss didn't become president, because that would've been awful. That's not something that she would normally do, especially after the war. I like that Peeta and Katniss had kids, and I'm glad that Gale was gone. He was pretty much a childhood/college best friend. They can be very important to you, but sometimes they don't remain that important throughout the rest of your life.
My only complaint: I felt that the last couple chapters were a bit rushed. That may have just been because I read it very quickly. I never actually got around to reading the book a second time. I will eventually, but I want to be able to take my time.
I think that is a pretty thorough review. There are so many more discussions that I could have about this series. I don't have the energy to go back and re-read everything that I just wrote. So please tell me in the comments if anything doesn't make sense.
No song lyrics for you. Too many words.
Friday, August 27, 2010
My 50th post and I'm not even here (BEDA Day 27)
Maybe something really important happened today, and I just have no idea because it is currently Wednesday and it has yet to happen.
It just occurred to me that I could do the same thing that I did in the very beginning of this month, which is write the post on the actual day, and then just publish it when I get computer access.
So this is all that I have to say today. Sorry. Good post coming tomorrow, which will be my spoiler-filled review of Mockingjay. I will have read it completely at least twice by then, so I will have a well formed opinion on it.
See ya tomorrow!
Edit on 8/28:
Oh my God I fail at life. This is my 51st post. FAILLLLLLL.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Don't Have Time to Blog (BEDA Day 26)
Also, who thinks the Fred movie is going to suck? *entire world raise hands*
Other than that, I really do not have time to blog today. My dad is picking me up in about a half an hour, and then we are driving to New York City, where we will be staying for two days. I have a post written for tomorrow already, but it is also short. Sorry about that. Longer posts shall come soon.
Actually, a good place to find longer posts of mine would be on NEA. The first week of this project is going beautifully, and I am so excited for the rest of it.
Longer post Saturday! Bye!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Things That I Hate (BEDA Day 25)
1. When people comment on ALL CAPS videos, saying that they can tell they aren't singing live.
No, really? I thought that Kristina could sing with auto tune naturally. I had no idea that they put the electronic sounding effects on after.
2. People who spoil books the day that they come out.
Thanks to someone on Twitter, I sort of knew the ending to Mockingjay. I mean, not completely, but kind of. It didn't completely ruin it for me, but yeah. But I finished the book! Yay!
3. When someone can relate everything back to politics.
You see this all the time when you look at the comments on news stories. I still can't figure out how people can relate the happy story of a dog saving its owner's life to what's wrong with our current president. I mean, seriously?
4. People who greet workers with name tags, as if they know them.
When I was doing tours around my school last night, I had to wear a name tag. Tons of parents addressed me like they knew me. I know that it says my name on my shirt, but that doesn't mean you have to say it. This might just be something that I have a problem with.
5. Cancer
Esther, who all of Nerdfighteria voted for the HPA with, died this morning. I have been crying so much today. I have never even met Esther, but I still cried so much more than I ever have after anyone else dying. Well, my dog, Diva, but still. She wasn't a person, it's not the same. I miss Esther, and I just can't believe that she died at the young age of 16. My thoughts and prayers go to her family and friends.
So that's all for my list.
The school tours yesterday went pretty well, except for the fact that I wore the least comfortable shoes ever, and now have extreme blisters everywhere. Ouchy.
I was pretty much in charge of the entire downstairs of the school. Almost everyone there just wandered around, only helping people if they looked really confused. I offered to help everyone who passed by.
I should probably explain what we had to do. My school does this scavenger hunt thing, where you have to find all of these clues. Clue 1 is found near your homeroom. You then read the riddle on the clue card, and try to find the place that it was describing. From working with people for three hours, I memorized the order.
Homeroom - Nurse's Office - Library - Auditorium - Family Consumer Sciences - Bathroom - Cafeteria - Art/Technology Education - Guidance Office
I had to talk a lot, and eventually created a script that I would follow. This came with practice, though. I feel bad for the families that came during the first hour or so, because we were mostly like this:
Family: "Can you help us find Family Consumer Sciences?"
Us: "Yes, we can! Um, you, uh... Make a left I think... No, wait, that's the wrong way. You make a right... No, err... Here, just follow me."
It was really funny. They provided pizza, but Syd and I didn't eat any before the tours actually started. So, instead, we broke into the classroom with the pizza, and just walked around eating it.
I knew pretty much everyone that was a student leader. But, randomly, the cheerleaders were there too. We were very confused, because they didn't do anything, and just walked around, getting in the way most of the time. I still have no idea why they were there at all. I was really hoping for my school not to be stereotypical, but we student leaders are pretty much the geeks and we now despise the cheerleaders.
"If I mattered to you, then I all I would see is indigo." - Indigo, Tom Milsom
Monday, August 23, 2010
I need some new freaking earbuds. (BEDA Day 24)
I have to leave soon, because today is the day that I give tours and such of my school. I have since found out that my friend Caitlin is going to be there. So far, I know two people. Great. I don't even know how many people are going to be there... So yeah.
I'll probably be getting Mockingjay from Beth when I get home tonight, which'll be around 7:45. I will most likely not sleep.
I won't have my computer, though, so I most likely won't be able to read Annica's post until tomorrow :(
That is all, friends.
"Excuse me there, Molly, I couldn't help but notice your hair. It's fantastic today." - Hey Molly, Mike Lombardo
It feels like it's been so long since I've blogged last! (BEDA Day 23)
Um, I can hear out of my right ear now. I haven't been able to for about two weeks, maybe longer. I don't expect it to last long.
I am still super excited for Mockingjay to come out tomorrow. I've been discussing the books a bit with random people online, mainly about the whole "Team Peeta or Team Gale" thing. After a lengthy discussion on Facebook with at least ten people (including Lauren Fairweather and Matt Maggiacomo) I have come to a conclusion: it really doesn't matter what "team" you're on. What we really should be worrying about it whether or not certain characters will survive, mainly Peeta, but also Katniss. We don't think that Katniss is safe from death in this book, especially since it is the conclusion of the trilogy. The books are all about survival, not love interests.
Now to a less serious issue: I got some necklaces in the mail yesterday! They're really nice.
Tomorrow, I'll be blogging fairly early, because I have Student Locker Night to go to. I have to give a tour of the school to various new people. It'll be fun, but I would be more at ease if I knew who was coming.
Oh. I just remember Shannon inviting me to a party... *checks date* ... Which, awws, I can't go to. Sadface. My dad and I are going to NYC on the 27th. Ah. That means I should probably call Shannon and tell her that.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Mockingjay! (BEDA Day 22)
I was worried that I would have nothing to say in this post, because today will probably just be a rainy, boring day. But I just watched this video by Alex Carpenter:
...And now I'm really excited to talk about Mockingjay. I'm going to reference Alex's video a lot, so you should watch it if you haven't yet.
I really like what Alex said about how "similar" the Hunger Games and Twilight are. The good thing is, if they turn the Hunger Games books into movies, the media can't possibly turn it into another Twilight. The plot and characters are just fantastic, and whoever Katniss chooses (if anyone) she picked the right choice.
I'm team Peeta, by the way. Almost everyone that I know are team Gale, except for my friend Taublet.* But, like I said, it doesn't really matter to me if Katniss picks Gale, because they are both awesome.
I haven't been trying to figure out much about the last book. I want to be surprised. But I can't help worrying that Peeta is going to be killed :(
By the way, random interesting thing, did you know that Katniss, Peeta, and Gale all have Southern accents? I cannot picture that at all.
I'm not sure what else to say about Mockingjay, just that I'm super excited about it.
Lastly, Nerdily Ever After starts tomorrow** so if you aren't following us yet, you should check us out here: http://nerdilyeverafter.blogspot.com/
*Not her real name, haha.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
It's like mustard, but with honey (BEDA Day 21)
Today, I went to a local baseball game thing. It was really boring. I got a bit of reading done, but I had to constantly look out for baseballs flying at me, because our seats were right where all of the balls go.
The other team scored in the third inning, or something, and then nothing happened until the eighth.
I was complaining that I had to get home before midnight to blog. My stepmom, Beth, just really wanted to go home. So we were both praying for the game to end in the ninth inning. Once the eighth inning started, I took out the journal that I brought. Here are some of my recorded observations.
Beth, after the first run scored by the home team: "God is a man, and he hates me."
Beth, after the second run scored by the home team: "God is a woman, and she loves us!"
Beth, after the third run scored by the home team: *making a praying gesture towards the sky* "YESSSSSSSSSSSSS."
The game ended, our local team won, and there were fireworks. Fun fun. Except not.
The majority of my attention was spent on Alaska explaining to Pudge how she got her name, Beth feeding me pretzels, and the crowd starting a wave.
When Beth was feeding me pretzels, she told me to try the honey mustard. I really didn't want to, but I did anyway. And it was gross. I don't even like mustard in the first place, nor do I particularly care for honey. Why I thought I might like honey mustard is beyond me.
That is all. I'm going to bed. No end song lyrics. Too tired.
Looking for Alaska progress: page 84
Friday, August 20, 2010
I hate blogging. (BEDA Day 20)
I made a video about NEA today. Here it is:
If you aren't already, you should follow us: http://nerdilyeverafter.blogspot.com/
Today, I picked peaches and fed fish. My hands do not smell like fish, which is a very good thing. They normally smell after my dad and I feed fish, because the food that we buy to feed the fish has a very strong smell that marks your hands for days. But we were smart, and wore gloves.
That is all that I have for today's post. Please do not yell at me for my failure at reading Looking for Alaska.
Also, I am too lazy to find lyrics to put at the end of the post. So I'm just gonna stop now.
Looking for Alaska progress: page 41
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Gfhkfadshflhr: The Musical (BEDA Day 19)
The reason that I just typed random letters was because I don't think there is a word to describe the mood that I'm in right now. Today, my mood comes to you in five parts:
1. Anger - at haters. Although I used to enjoy Nerdfighter Secrets, I now can't really stand it. I mean, I complained about a few of the secrets that annoyed me a few days ago. But now it's even worse, because Kristina finally saw some of the secrets.
2. Sad - ...Because Kristina saw the secrets. I think I'm going to stop looking at Nerdfighter Secrets, because it's making me lose my faith in Nerdfighteria, which is a very bad thing.
3. Excited - Kristina has this news that she's not allowed to tell her blog readers about yet. But everyone's pretty sure it's about ANTM, which is exciting!
4. Anxious - NEA is starting on Monday. Omgomgomgomgomgomg. I haven't started on my post yet, which I probably should've started a few days ago. I want to make it perfect. Cuz, y'know, I'll be the first post on the blog. I don't want to have any glaring typos.
5. Bored - I haven't done anything today, really. So, I'm bored, just like most of this summer has been.
Wow, my mood is mostly revolving around Kristina.*
Now, for the musical part of the title.
I've been singing a lot today. I don't know why. I can't explain it, really.
Also, I've been watching a lot of videos on YouTube that have music in them**, although that's not what I've been singing. Here's one that I've been watching a lot:
My day has also been pretty musical because of wizard rock news! Matt, of the Whomping Willows, was talking about Fall Tour earlier today. So, I asked if they were planning on coming to somewhere in the Eastern-PA/NJ-ish area, and Matt replied, saying that they'll probably be at the Old Bridge Public Library again!
Eeeep! That would be so totally awesome! That library was pretty epic, so it would be cool to go again.
I'm not sure about the NYC Wizard Rock Festival anymore, because Taylor can't go. But I may be able to guilt my sister into bringing me.*** Updates on that later.
Lastly, book club. I didn't get a ton of reading done, though I might after I post this. We'll see.
"Our time is running out. You can't push it underground. You can't stop it screaming out. How did it come to this?" - Time is Running Out, Muse****
Looking for Alaska progress: page 41
*ZOMG Jess you're such a freaking fangirl.
**I don't want to call them music videos, because some of them aren't. Some are actual music videos, and others are just Lauren singing some song she just wrote while playing the ukulele. So, they are videos with music in them, not just music videos.
***I mean, she totally should bring me. She LIVES in New York City!
****Had to.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Book club? (BEDA Day 18)
I hope that I get back into writing. The main problem is that I have nothing really interesting to say. I've been repeating a lot of stuff in my latest posts because that's all that's going on in my life.
In order to make up for this, I have just decided that I am going to create my own book club. I don't expect any of my readers to join in on it. I'm mainly using it as an incentive to start reading again, and as a back up plan for times when I have nothing to talk about.
The first book that I am reading for the book club is Looking for Alaska by John Green. I have already read this, but that does not matter. This book club will sometimes be used to get me to reread old favorites.
The second book may be Mockingjay, but that all depends on how quickly I finish reading Looking for Alaska.
To my readers: Do you have any book suggestions that I can read?
"Tonight I've got a date with my bookshelf." - Nerdfighterlike, Lauren Fairweather
Looking for Alaska progress: page 29
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
*Waves* (BEDA Day 17)
I've mostly been reading Nerdfighter Secrets all day. As such, I am going to rant.
There are a few secrets that really bother me. Here are a few:
I mean, yeah, everyone's entitled to have their own opinion. And you don't have to like every fiveawesomegirl. Heck, I don't even watch all of them. But before you post a secret, if it names someone in it, imagine them complexly first. This is what Nerdfighters do. We try to imagine others complexly.
Do the people who posted these secrets realize that Kristina and Liane may actually read Nerdfighter Secrets?
In other news, I am seeing Taylor tomorrow for the first time in two years. Excitement. Also, I am introducing her to wizard rock, which shall also be exciting. I REALLY want to create a Nerdfighter out of her :)
"This evening’s filling me with rage. I only wish I had some sage advice to give me." - Song For the Painfully Indie, Tom Milsom
Monday, August 16, 2010
...and the Sugar Quills (BEDA Day 16)
So... This is what happened:
"But after the way I've been shown there's no other way than what I know and after the waves come and go, I'll be right here on my own." - Rock Song, Mike Lombardo
Sunday, August 15, 2010
It Feels Like December (BEDA Day 15)
It's actually the middle of August, months away from December. But I keep feeling like it's near Christmas. Why?
It's cloudy.
Yeah, I don't know.
In other news, I've spent the last hour or so creating Wizard Rock playlists for Taylor. We are slowly trying to convince our parents to bring us to the NYC Wizard Rock Festival, and I want her to be prepared. I've not only put songs by the bands that are playing there, but songs that she needs to know.
Here are the songs that I think she definitely needs to know:
1. In Which Draco and Harry Secretly Want to Make Out - The Whomping Willows
2. Teenage Werewolf - The Remus Lupins
3. And Then I Died - The Moaning Myrtles
4. Potions Yesterday - Draco and the Malfoys
5. Freaking Ask Me to the Yule Ball - The Parselmouths
6. Dumbledore is Gay (And That's Ok) - Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills
7. Save Ginny Weasley - Harry and the Potters
8. What Kind of Name is Hermione? - The Parselmouths
9. Goodbye Privet Drive - Ministry of Magic
10. Snape vs. Snape - Ministry of Magic
I really have nothing else to report on, so I've decided to include some content that I've found in my unpublished posts. I am not going to change them at all. You'll notice that I'll often just stop in the middle of a sentence. Here you go.
Calling People Disgusting is Fun*
Well, it's my last week of 7th grade. You would expect everything to be winding down and becoming lighthearted and carefree.
Our class hamster, Snowball, died of what we think was Wet Tail on Tuesday. We had a funeral for him this morning
Today was weird, and I should be blogging about other things but I'm not**
See title.
Yeah. I have so many more things to blog and/or vlog about, but instead, I'm going to tell you about my day.
Yesterday ended with intense disappointment for me. I was really hoping to go to the Roflcoptour show in Poughkeepsie. But my dad won't take me because it's too far away* and we have people coming over for dinner. Blah. My mom would, but she also thinks that it is a little too far away. Also, she would totally take me, but she's already taking off of work the two weeks following the show, because we're going to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. So... No show for me. Sigh. We can't even go to the show on the day before it, even though it will probably be closer, because my mom can't get off work. Sadface.**
Forward to today. I haven't really felt like eating much the past couple days, but I ate two bowls of cereal this morning anyway. But that's pretty much all that I ate today. I spent a good portion of the morning up to about half past noon analyzing the Deathly Hallows trailer. This was done with the help of Muggle Cast, even though I have never listened to Muggle Cast before.*** However, I really liked their discussion, and it helped me appreciate the trailer more.
My mom is taking me book shopping in about 3 hours
*Okay, so, it's only 2 hours and 37 minutes away (according to Google maps).
**I just had an idea. Maybe if that show is at a late-ish time, I might be able to go. If it's at, like, 6 or 7, and it's in PA or NJ, I might be able to get my mom to take me. Update later.
***I personally prefer Potter Cast.
I should never give myself a deadline ever again. EVER.***
I just read through some of my old posts, and discovered that I had planned to start vlogging on/around June 1. Naturally, that didn't happen.
I also said that the school year was winding down. I inadvertently lied. My math teacher just STARTED A NEW CHAPTER with us, even though we only have TEN DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT.
Because my previous deadline did not work out, I am going to give myself another, less serious deadline for the same project. Sometime after I finish school, I'll start. Definitely before July, or else the 60 video thing will not work out.
In slightly more exciting news, I might be getting a guinea pig this summer. At first, I thought that this would be a very easy thing. We have a class guinea pig, Adora, and she isn't that hard to take care of. But I was wrong. Guinea pigs are very complex creatures.
I have to really think about whether or not I'm too lazy to take care of another creature. And, like, I need to learn how to take care of guinea pigs specifically. But I've also been thinking about names for him/her. It'll probably be a Harry Potter name, most likely pretty obscure.
If I get a male black guinea pig, I'm naming it Sev.
"We've got to save Ginny Weasley from the Basilisk." - Save Ginny Weasley, Harry and the Potters
*The post itself is not that exciting, but I'm very curious as to what I was alluding to in that title.
**I'm glad that this all worked out in the end.
***Y'know, I don't know why I stopped writing this. That would've been a pretty good post. It also shows how I would totally name a guinea pig after Snape. Hmmmm.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I NEED to get my brain functioning again (BEDA Day 14)
As expected, I have forgotten nearly everything I learned last year, and it's getting really hard for me to focus on something for more than five minutes. This will be a bad thing once school begins.
To solve this problem, I have now decided that I'm going to reread some books that I read a few months ago, the first of which is Need by Carrie Jones. I really liked this book when I started reading it, because it was just like Twilight, but the main character had a personality. Even though it began sounding very much like Twilight later on in the book,* I legitimately enjoyed it and am excited to read it again.
I don't know if I'm going to read Captivate, the sequel, again, because I really didn't like it. It got really strange and unexpected far too quickly. I may just read it again to confirm how horrible it was.
After those two, I might reread The Hunger Games to prepare for Mockingjay, which is coming out very soon. As soon as I post this, I'm going to start reading Need.
Lastly, I just want to point out the hilarity of this video.** It's an old school 5AG video, and I hadn't seen it until a few minutes ago. Hayley is amazing.
That is all.
"I just don’t know where else to go. I just don’t know what else to do. There’s no escaping it, I’m trapped with no way out." - I'll See Her There, Skyway Flyer
*Yeah, there were occasions when she overly described the love interest.
**It's amazingly funny if you've read Harry Potter. But even if you haven't, it's still really, really funny.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Merp. (BEDA Day 13)
I think that I should just immediately talk about the title of this post. I just kind of typed something, because I didn't want to bother writing a title that was actually significant.*
Interested in whether or not "merp" means anything, I googled it. The first thing that came up was that it stands for Middle-earth Role Playing. Which I think is pretty awesome, actually, even though I haven't read anything by J.R.R. Tolkien. I've seen, like, one LOTR movie, but that was enough for me to get the Middle Earth reference immediately, which just ups my nerdiness.
I then looked down further on the page, and found the entry on "merp" on Urban Dictionary. I trust Urban Dictionary to have the proper definition of things, even though someone could just post a bunch of crap. It's like Wikipedia in that way - all of the information very well could be wrong, but everyone trusts it anyway. The top definition is:
1. What you say when there is nothing better to be said. 2. Expression of minor disappointment.
Number 1 certainly applies here, but number 2 certainly does not. I'm actually extremely excited, and not disappointed at all.**
My blog collaboration, now named Nerdily Ever After, is going to begin on Monday, August 16. I'm the Monday of the blog, so I get to go first. It's a little scary, being the first person to post. I'm not very good at introductions, but I guess that I am also pretty happy that I get to set the standard for the posts. I have no idea what I'm going to write about, but I do know that I have to come up with some sort of way to introduce the mess that is me.
I'm the youngest, and although we are all between the ages of 13-16, it's hard for me not to feel extremely small compared to all of them. Well, we'll see how it goes.
SO, blog readers, I hope that you'll follow Nerdily Ever After once we start on Monday. That would be really awesome. None of us have a particularly large audience, but combined, we could start our own little community.
"Georgia, Nikoll Lekaj doesn't care. And four other people all called Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob want you out." - Georgia, Alex Day***
*There are two reasons for this. The first one is that I really don't want to be writing this post at all. The second is that I have no idea what I'm going to talk about. I typically choose post titles before I actually write anything, so yeah.
**Well, I mean, I kind of am. I can't hear out of my right ear again. Blah.
***I'm obsessed with this song right now.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Back up in a library! (BEDA Day 12)
I have a small hole in my right arm, I'm extremely tired, blah blah blah.
I'm currently learning all of the words to that video.
*It was fun.
**Which I will probably have big news about soon.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Bored/Excited/GAHHHHHHH (BEDA Day 11)
My thoughts right now are revolving around the blog collab thing that I'm in. We have found our Tuesday, and are currently deciding on a name. That's actually a very complicated process. It's near impossible for all of us to be online at the same time because of the time zone differences. We are spread between three countries: America, Canada, and Germany. So, yeah. Complicated.
Also, our brains are lacking creativity right now. We know that we don't want to be the fiveawesome(something)s because that has been a bit overdone. But other than that, no idea. I think that the reason it is pretty hard is because none of us know each other yet. The only thing that we know we have in common is that we're all female nerdfighters. When the fiveawesomegirls started, they got along well together because they all shared a love of Harry Potter, Twilight, and theater. But I'm not sure if the five of us have anything like that. Though we very well might - I just don't know enough about any of them to tell.
I'm ridiculously excited about this, though. Every week or so, someone on the nerdfighters ning comes up with an idea for a Nerdfighter YouTube collab, but I don't think that I've ever seen a blog collab before. I really can't wait to get to know everyone else.
Let's see...
Ah! I'm posting early today because I won't be at home tonight. Syd's sleepover birthday party thing is tonight, which should be fun. I really haven't seen anyone from school this summer except for Shannon and Geneva. I'm anti-social like that. But it'll be nice to see people again, even though I have no idea who else is going to be there. We're going to be sleeping outside and also watching the Percy Jackson movie. Fun times.
I actually have to finish making Syd's birthday card. It has a Natalie Dee-inspired hamster on it. It is awesome. Syd likes hamsters.
I'm bringing my new bag to the party which is really freaking awesome. It's from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and it's a Chinese Fireball messenger bag. Yeah, the dragon. Epicness. It also has 30+ buttons on it, relating to various things, such as: Harry Potter, Wizard Rock, Lauren Fairweather, LOST, Nerdfighteria, Hyperbole and a Half, Forrest Gump. YESSSSSSS.
I need to take a shower and start getting ready, so I must post this now.
Fun fact: Did you know that I do not proof read my posts before I publish them? I just spell check them, and later find typos, hoping that no one else has seen them yet.
"I don't want to go."* - The Doctor is Dying, Alex Day/Chameleon Circuit
*Ha, it's not that I don't want to go to the party. It's just that line has been stuck in my head for about five hours.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I'm kind of fidgety (BEDA Day 10)
I'm posting early today* because I need to clean my room tonight. I was supposed to do that today, but then I didn't... So...
I have fairly exciting news! I'm going to be a part of this nerdfighter-tastic blog collab thingy with four other nerdfighters! I've been pretty excited/anxious-in-a-good-way about it all day.
Other than that, not much is going on in my life. My friend Syd's birthday is tomorrow, so there's that party... Ah!
And! I got invited to my best friend Shannon's birthday party today. This whole thing is very confusing for multiple reasons:
1. Shannon's birthday is May 25. The party is August 27. Having a party 3 months later is kind of strange. But I get it. She's a swimmer, so her party is at this private swim club pool place. May is a little bit too early for that.
2. She mailed the invitation to me. I have no idea how much stamps cost now, but I know that she spent way too much money sending it to me. Because we're neighbors. Our backyards are connected. If I was in my kitchen, I could see the back of her house. We've waved to each other from our houses before. And SHE MAILED ME THE INVITATION. Seriously? Waste of money. It takes 30 seconds to get between our houses on average; maximum 2 minutes if you are taking a leisurely walk and stop to talk to the various wildlife including, but not limited to: rabbits, squirrels, robins, cardinals, and deer. Woah. Long explanation/rant is long.
Anyway... It's confusing. But I kind of have the feeling that Shannon is going to torture me while I'm there. Not literally, of course.
I would not put it past her to invite Gil, because he goes to the private swim club pool place all the time. Grr. I'm not positive about her inviting him, but I bet that as soon as I RSVP to this party, she'll tell me that he's coming. Sigh. Best friends; what are you gonna do with them?
To clean my room!
"Time enough for one, you find your own humanity, clouded by the vanity." - Behind Your Eyes, Skyway Flyer
*Well, it's not THAT early. But the sun's still up, and that means it's much earlier than when I normally post, which is typically between 10 and 11 at night.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Some things (BEDA Day 9)
-Something that made me realize how stupid some people can be.
-Something that makes me sort of upset.
-Something that I'm still trying to get the hang of.
-Something that shows just how strange I am.
And with that, let's begin.
Something that makes me realize how stupid some people can be
Kaleb Nation and Eric Striffler made videos today (I HATE ERIC STRIFFLER! and I HATE KALEB NATION!, respectively.) The first one that I saw was Kaleb's, and I thought it was hilarious. I then went and watched Eric's video, which was also really funny. I had heard of Eric's channel before, but never really checked out his videos. But I like him, so I subscribed. Watch the two videos below:
Now, I thought that everyone that watched it would get the obvious sarcasm (or at least pick up on the fact that the "bad traits" that they listed were shared by both of them). Apparently not. There are legit hater comments on both videos. *facepalm*
Something that makes me sort of upset
I just finished watching the Teen Choice Awards not too long ago. I was kind of dissapointed - every single winner was very predictable. And even though Shane Dawson (winner of Choice Webstar or something like that) told us about this already, I am kind of angry that they didn't even mention the category. At all.
They just invited them there, and then did nothing. RAWR. I think I feel this way because I think of the Internet, especially YouTube, as this little place that not many people are a part of. This is obviously not true. But, when you think about it, it sort of is. Shane has a little over a million subscribers, which is absolutely fantastic in YouTube terms. But it's very likely that over ten times that amount of people watched the Teen Choice Awards. So, to not even mention the category at all makes me feel like it didn't even matter in the first place.
I'm being a little too dramatic.
Something that I'm still trying to get the hang ofLike many other people, I was very excited when Dan 3.0 was announced. I rolled my eyes at the commenters that said bad things about it - that it really was just Dan being lazy, and that it isn't any different than any other video project where someone vlogs every day or asks for ideas from their subscribers. I knew that it would be different. This was Dan 3.0.
But now I'm not so sure. I mean, yeah, everything's going pretty well, and we're only a week into it, but I'm starting to feel a little bummed. I guess I sort of expected this revolutionary new thing to happen immediately, even though logically I know it isn't possible for it to become amazing really fast.
Gah. I'll see what I think about it later on. Though I am really looking forward to seeing Dan go to Missoula and record a song with Hank!
Something that shows just how strange I am
I tweeted earlier that I think I'm ambidextrous. It's really just something that I realized. As someone who is right handed, it would make sense that the hand I use for my trackpad would be my right hand. But no. I use my left hand. But, at school when I'm on a computer and using a mouse, I'm totally fine with my right hand. I tried it out, and it's totally normal for me to use either.
I think it's really cool that I can do that. :)
"Down on the bed but it's all in your head, so shake your fist if you're even here." - Concerta, Cash Cash
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Meh (BEDA Day 8)
I had planned to describe my day at the picnic in this post using a video that I made. But it's taking really long to edit, and I don't think that I'll be able to get it up before midnight. So you'll see it tomorrow.
It's actually not even that late, but it'll take at least an hour and a half to finish editing the video, and uploading long-ish videos on YouTube is a nightmare.
My quick summary of the picnic: Meh. Geneva was there, Gil was not. All went well.
I'm not sure what to write about, so I think I'll make a response to Kristina's BEDA post from yesterday. In it, she talked about hater comments and how she handles them.
I am extremely new to YouTube, so I don't get hater comments yet. But I have changed how I handle seeing hater comments on other people's videos. Over a year ago, if I saw a hater comment, I would normally respond and it would become a big deal. Now I just thumbs-down the comment. After becoming a Nerdfighter, I've learned to deal with really bad hater comments, such as, "Omg your so gay!" I've discovered that there are better ways to express your dislike with a video. If you really care enough about a video to comment on it (whether good or bad), you should write your comment articulately. If you truly want to get your point across, surely you would spend more time creating your argument. But many who leave hater comments simply don't care, and are just waiting to get a response from someone. Anyone, really. If you take your time to attack a poorly thought out and worded comment, you are just giving them what they want and aren't really helping anyone.
By rating down and/or marking comments as spam, you are saving others from reading them. This is a much more beneficial result than just responding to the comment.
That is all.
"Let's go down to nerdfighteria city, where the roads are paved with Peeps and everyone is witty and there are no perverted creeps." - Nerdfighteria Island, Hank Green
Saturday, August 7, 2010
I suppose I'll get over it eventually*, but it may take a while.
Anyway, today was kind of a bummer, because my dad and I did not go and feed fish. I was sad. But I did read more Harry Potter fanfiction, today was mainly Sirius/Remus for me.
Just a few hours ago, we made s'mores. I was unaware that my dad took this picture of me, but here you go:

If you look in the background, you can see one of my dogs, Medea.
I'm kinda tired, so I'm going to go sleepy sleeping** after I post this. I will have plenty to talk and/or complain about in tomorrow's post. It's the annual church picnic, and that's always exciting-ish. Oh, and Gil might be there. Hopefully not, though. I'm not sure if he goes, because I didn't even know who he was last year, so... Yeah.
Oh, and Aly asked a question yesterday. For future reference, whenever I say Avatar, I mean the show, The Last Airbender. I may end up talking about it a lot, because that show is AMAHZING.
Lastly, you must watch this video, for it is the greatest thing ever:
"Shes so two dimensional, clumsy and conventional; says I have a perfect face with every thought, her empty brain... OooooOOoo...Shut Up." - My Eclipse (feat. Kri$tina), Alex Carpenter/Jason Munday
*I always do.
**Inside joke with Taylor. YESSSSS.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Taylorrrrrrrr (BEDA Day 6)
1. Wake Up/Get Dressed
2. Breakfast at Diner with Dad
3. Watch Avatar for an hour
4. Read Harry Potter fanfiction**
5. Lunch
6. More Harry Potter fanfiction
7. Feed pets
8. Treadmill for 45 minutes while watching more Avatar
9. More fanfiction
10. Dinner
11. Lay outside like a lazy person
12. Talk to Taylor on Facebook
13. Write blog post
14. Probably more fanfiction
I have nothing else to say, really. My parents now know about my blog, but the good thing about having an obscure French phrase as the title is that they don't remember what it's called. :) I really don't want them to find it.
That is all. Sorry for having such a short post today, but I might have slightly more interesting things later this weekend, because I'm helping with this Church picnic thing.
ACTUALLY! My dad's church does this annual baseball game thing that people go to. My dad is always in charge of it, so we always have tickets for it. We went to the church today to pick up the tickets, and I was sort of glancing at the list of people who bought tickets and OMG I THINK GIL IS GOING.*** I saw someone on the list with his last name, and I think it might be his dad, but I don't know his dad's name, so sigh. Gil doesn't have a particularly uncommon last name, but it's spelled strangely.
I'm not sure if I actually want him to be there or not.
But I'm not going to be a creeper and look up Gil's dad's name.
That is all.
"Listen, I don't wanna nag you but you've gotta stop playing this game. You've been walking around as that stupid cow for the past eleven days." - World of Warcraft Ruined My Life, ALL CAPS
*By eventful, I mean that my dad and I were going to feed fish. But we did not. Sadface. I think we're going tomorrow, though.
**In case you were wondering, earlier in the day it was Charlie/Tonks, and now it's more Ginny/Harry. Which is weird, because I normally don't read Harry/Ginny stuff, but yeah. Today I am.
***Taylor and Aly, you may not know who Gil is. Gil is an acronym for "Guy I Like," which I am going to use instead of his real name. Sort of like how Hayley G Hoover says The Situation instead of Mike. Yeah.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ewww, friends! (BEDA Day 5)
The problem might be that we don't have a lot in common anymore. Or, ever, really.
But, this post is not going to be me complaining about my friends, but I really could do that if I wanted to...
NO. I am here to talk about something that happened today.
Around early/mid-July, I got invited to my friend Syd's* sleepover birthday party thing. It said to RSVP by August 5. "No problem," I said, "That's weeks from now! I'll remember to RSVP by then!"
Of course, I then put the invitation on the floor of my room, where I store all of my things.
Before I continue with the story, I just have to mention something: My family is listening to the radio(? Maybe?? I don't know, they're listening to music) and Fireflies just came on. I immediately thought of Lumos Flies instead. I am very proud of myself for this. Back to the story.
To recap: invitation on floor. Days, weeks, passed. I went to my first wizard rock concert. I went on vacation. I pretty much forgot about said invitation. Until day.
I suddenly remembered it, and looked for it for a few minutes. I found it about ten minutes before my dad was supposed to pick me up, and I had none of my stuff together nor was I dressed. But I called and RSVP'd, and everything is fine now.
I'm so glad that I didn't wait until tomorrow to look for it, or something.
"It’s not like I’m gonna tell you to your face or anything because I’m too afraid you’d disagree." - Lumos Flies, ALL CAPS
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I Should Never Be Given a Credit Card (BEDA Day 4)
This has happened many times with the guitar. I'll be watching a YouTube video, or something, and then I suddenly decide that I'm going to learn how to play the guitar. I'll bring up many webpages: instructional sites, places to buy guitars, etc. I will then grab my turquoise 3/4 guitar (named Dreama) and practice playing. I'll remember that Dreama hasn't been in tune for 3 years, and then bring up a website that teaches you how to tune your guitar. I'll do that for about 45 minutes, and then question why I ever wanted to play guitar in the first place.
It sounds insane, but you'd be surprised at how often this happens.
Like, just ten minutes ago, I was watching some old Mike Lombardo videos, and I suddenly decide that I want to learn how to play piano. The process above pretty much insued, except I don't have a piano, so I never got around to the playing part. But I seriously started planning out where I'd put said piano, and also what I would have to sell/get rid of in order to get enough money.
I eventually came to my senses and relaxed myself through writing this blog post.
I'm now starting to wonder if I have ADD, because, seriously, I'm really starting to act like it. I can never pay attention for very long anymore, and obviously, the strange and sudden impulses.
So, I should never be given a credit card, because I'm pretty sure that I'd be in debt pretty easily. I would've ordered a keyboard piano from Amazon if I had the money. But I don't. And that's a good thing.
My impulses aren't always as bad/stupid as the instrument problem that keeps popping up, however. They're probably the things that made me start my life online, including creating this blog. I can't say the same thing about my YouTube channel, because I've been planning that out for about a year and a half. I'm pretty sure that I impulsively chose to be a Nerdfighter* as well. Oh, and the fact that I started a wizard rock band called RavenLove.
I have no real ending for this post... So... Erm... PUPPY DISTRACTION.
"I've already launched a Voldemort fansite." - Voldemort Fangirl, The Parselmouths**
*Just wondering, does anyone else capitalize "Nerdfighter?" I do if I remember to.
**That is an example of a short term random impulse. That song has nothing to do with anything, but in my mind it makes sense.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Without Twilight (BEDA Day 3)
I am going to begin this post with a little story:
I began reading the Twilight Saga shortly after the first movie came out. I was reluctant, however. I think I thought I was above it and didn't want to just read the newest book fad. But I did. And I read Twilight in less than a day.
I devoured the rest of the series within two weeks, avidly discussing it with my (then) best friend, Ellen. We were both Team Jacob.
Months past, and I began reading other books, including Harry Potter. I discovered Kaleb Nation, and John Green, and Maureen Johnson.... and Twilight no longer appealed to me. I became a hater of the series.
But I'm not here to bash Stephenie Meyer's books right now. Here is my list of how my life would be different if I never read Twilight:
1. I never would have read Harry Potter.
2. I never would have become a Nerdfighter.
3. I never would have found Kaleb Nation.
Everything that I have done this summer would have been completely different if I had never read Twilight. I never would've heard of Wizard Rock, therefore not going to Roflcoptour in Old Bridge. I never would've gone to Orlando, because I really only went there for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I never would've reconnected with Taylor. I never would've started this blog, nor would I have started making videos. I never would've listened to most of the music that I do now.
And I also never would've been able to say this:
See you tomorrow for my 4th BEDA entry.
Monday, August 2, 2010
How is this getting difficult already? (BEDA Day 2)
Most of the time when bloggers say that they don't want to blog, they have a reason, such as their friend who lives far away is there, or they're about to leave for a concert. Not me. I'm just really lazy.
Actually, I do have a lot of blog posts and YouTube videos to catch up on. So, to make this post a bit more entertaining, I'm going to list the order in which I rewatch videos and reread posts.
The Order in Which I Watch Videos:
1. FiveAwesomeGirls
2. VlogBrothers
3. Mike Lombardo (both JeffIsOld and MikeLombardoMusic)
4. 5AwesomeGays
5. Pogobat
6. 5AG (Gays and Girls) people's videos on their various personal channels
7. Kaleb/Jaden Nation
8. Everyone else whenever I get to it
The Order in Which I Read Posts:
1. The Hayleylujah Chorus
2. Oh, hey Kristina.
3. owlssayhooot
4. Everyone else whenever I get to it
Wow, I'm boring. Oh well.
"Let's do this again, let's start from the top... I make no guarantees but the ride will be fun." - That Will Be The Day, Mike Lombardo
Aloha! (BEDA Day 1)
People have been looking at me strangely as they pass by. What? I'm just writing. In another part of the lobby, someone is SLEEPING. And no one's staring at him.
By the way, this is my first post for Blog Every Day in August.* I'm really excited for BEDA, especially because I believe that the lovely Hayley G Hoover is participating as well. I hope that I do well at this. Although I've completed (and won) both NaNoWriMo and Script Frenzy, I never got the whole, "write something every day for a month" thing down. If I do this, I think that I'll do better in those next time, too.
A lady just walked past me holding (and muttering into) a Flip camera. I think she was vlogging. Awesome.
My writing has gotten worse the farther down the page I go. My handwriting, that is. You won't be able to see that once I post this, but I just thought you should know.
I've taken a fair amount of footage and pictures of Universal. And... I am thinking about doing an interactive video with them. It'll be a series of videos where you can choose what section of the park that you want to go to, and possibly what you want to see. That might be pretty complicated. But whatever.**
So, I should probably explain the title of this post. The hotel that I'm staying at has this Hawaii/tropical theme. And every time you approach someone who works here, they greet you by saying, "Aloha!" It was funny and cute the first couple of times, but now it's just too much.
I rode the elevators a lot today. I've always found standing in an elevator with people to be an awkward experience. It's not too bad if no one says anything. But as soon as someone tries to talk to you, it just gets really bad.
This will probably be the end of the post. I'm not sure what else to say right now, and I also want to get back to my room. I hope that they're finished by now. Well, here's to a great journey through the month of August! *raises glass of butterbeer* Yeah, be jealous that I have butterbeer.
"This isn't Hogwarts this is a concrete box, and the pictures on the wall are never gonna talk," - This Isn't Hogwarts, Hank Green***
*Or, Blog Every Day August, if you prefer.
**Also, if I do this, there may be music in the background instead of the sounds that were recorded.
***Oh, wait. Yes it is :P