Friday, August 6, 2010

Taylorrrrrrrr (BEDA Day 6)

Today was supposed to be eventful*. But it was not. My schedule:

1. Wake Up/Get Dressed
2. Breakfast at Diner with Dad
3. Watch Avatar for an hour
4. Read Harry Potter fanfiction**
5. Lunch
6. More Harry Potter fanfiction
7. Feed pets
8. Treadmill for 45 minutes while watching more Avatar
9. More fanfiction
10. Dinner
11. Lay outside like a lazy person
12. Talk to Taylor on Facebook
13. Write blog post
14. Probably more fanfiction

I have nothing else to say, really. My parents now know about my blog, but the good thing about having an obscure French phrase as the title is that they don't remember what it's called. :) I really don't want them to find it.

That is all. Sorry for having such a short post today, but I might have slightly more interesting things later this weekend, because I'm helping with this Church picnic thing.

ACTUALLY! My dad's church does this annual baseball game thing that people go to. My dad is always in charge of it, so we always have tickets for it. We went to the church today to pick up the tickets, and I was sort of glancing at the list of people who bought tickets and OMG I THINK GIL IS GOING.*** I saw someone on the list with his last name, and I think it might be his dad, but I don't know his dad's name, so sigh. Gil doesn't have a particularly uncommon last name, but it's spelled strangely.

I'm not sure if I actually want him to be there or not.

But I'm not going to be a creeper and look up Gil's dad's name.

That is all.

"Listen, I don't wanna nag you but you've gotta stop playing this game. You've been walking around as that stupid cow for the past eleven days." - World of Warcraft Ruined My Life, ALL CAPS


*By eventful, I mean that my dad and I were going to feed fish. But we did not. Sadface. I think we're going tomorrow, though.
**In case you were wondering, earlier in the day it was Charlie/Tonks, and now it's more Ginny/Harry. Which is weird, because I normally don't read Harry/Ginny stuff, but yeah. Today I am.
***Taylor and Aly, you may not know who Gil is. Gil is an acronym for "Guy I Like," which I am going to use instead of his real name. Sort of like how Hayley G Hoover says The Situation instead of Mike. Yeah.


  1. Gil! Ahaha thats cool! xD
    And by avatar do you mean James Cameron avatar and the last airbender avatar?

  2. Hello ^-^
    I saw that you're doing BEDA via the ning, so I just wanted to pop by and say 'hi'...just so, you know, you don't think I'm some creeper.

    And yay, Harry Potter fanfic. you've gotta love a good piece of fanfiction :D
