I just saw this commercial on TV for gummy bears. Did you know that the clear/white bears are pineapple flavor? I was unaware of this. I've always disliked pineapple-flavored things, and I can only eat really, really good pineapple. But the clear bears have always been my favorite. Strange.
Also, who thinks the Fred movie is going to suck? *entire world raise hands*
Other than that, I really do not have time to blog today. My dad is picking me up in about a half an hour, and then we are driving to New York City, where we will be staying for two days. I have a post written for tomorrow already, but it is also short. Sorry about that. Longer posts shall come soon.
Actually, a good place to find longer posts of mine would be on NEA. The first week of this project is going beautifully, and I am so excited for the rest of it.
Longer post Saturday! Bye!
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