Saturday, August 7, 2010


Is anyone else really upset with the recent YouTube changes? Cuz I am. First, with their gray autoplay bar nonsense, and now their change of how they display your subscriptions. I mean, what the heck is this?

I suppose I'll get over it eventually*, but it may take a while.

Anyway, today was kind of a bummer, because my dad and I did not go and feed fish. I was sad. But I did read more Harry Potter fanfiction, today was mainly Sirius/Remus for me.

Just a few hours ago, we made s'mores. I was unaware that my dad took this picture of me, but here you go:

If you look in the background, you can see one of my dogs, Medea.

I'm kinda tired, so I'm going to go sleepy sleeping** after I post this. I will have plenty to talk and/or complain about in tomorrow's post. It's the annual church picnic, and that's always exciting-ish. Oh, and Gil might be there. Hopefully not, though. I'm not sure if he goes, because I didn't even know who he was last year, so... Yeah.

Oh, and Aly asked a question yesterday. For future reference, whenever I say Avatar, I mean the show, The Last Airbender. I may end up talking about it a lot, because that show is AMAHZING.

Lastly, you must watch this video, for it is the greatest thing ever:

"Shes so two dimensional, clumsy and conventional; says I have a perfect face with every thought, her empty brain... OooooOOoo...Shut Up." - My Eclipse (feat. Kri$tina), Alex Carpenter/Jason Munday


*I always do.
**Inside joke with Taylor. YESSSSS.

1 comment:

  1. The last airbender is the best show ever. No question.
