Friday, August 13, 2010

Merp. (BEDA Day 13)

Happy Friday the 13th everybody!

I think that I should just immediately talk about the title of this post. I just kind of typed something, because I didn't want to bother writing a title that was actually significant.*

Interested in whether or not "merp" means anything, I googled it. The first thing that came up was that it stands for Middle-earth Role Playing. Which I think is pretty awesome, actually, even though I haven't read anything by J.R.R. Tolkien. I've seen, like, one LOTR movie, but that was enough for me to get the Middle Earth reference immediately, which just ups my nerdiness.

I then looked down further on the page, and found the entry on "merp" on Urban Dictionary. I trust Urban Dictionary to have the proper definition of things, even though someone could just post a bunch of crap. It's like Wikipedia in that way - all of the information very well could be wrong, but everyone trusts it anyway. The top definition is:

1. What you say when there is nothing better to be said. 2. Expression of minor disappointment.

Number 1 certainly applies here, but number 2 certainly does not. I'm actually extremely excited, and not disappointed at all.**

My blog collaboration, now named Nerdily Ever After, is going to begin on Monday, August 16. I'm the Monday of the blog, so I get to go first. It's a little scary, being the first person to post. I'm not very good at introductions, but I guess that I am also pretty happy that I get to set the standard for the posts. I have no idea what I'm going to write about, but I do know that I have to come up with some sort of way to introduce the mess that is me.

I'm the youngest, and although we are all between the ages of 13-16, it's hard for me not to feel extremely small compared to all of them. Well, we'll see how it goes.

SO, blog readers, I hope that you'll follow Nerdily Ever After once we start on Monday. That would be really awesome. None of us have a particularly large audience, but combined, we could start our own little community.


"Georgia, Nikoll Lekaj doesn't care. And four other people all called Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob want you out." - Georgia, Alex Day***


*There are two reasons for this. The first one is that I really don't want to be writing this post at all. The second is that I have no idea what I'm going to talk about. I typically choose post titles before I actually write anything, so yeah.
**Well, I mean, I kind of am. I can't hear out of my right ear again. Blah.
***I'm obsessed with this song right now.

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