This has happened many times with the guitar. I'll be watching a YouTube video, or something, and then I suddenly decide that I'm going to learn how to play the guitar. I'll bring up many webpages: instructional sites, places to buy guitars, etc. I will then grab my turquoise 3/4 guitar (named Dreama) and practice playing. I'll remember that Dreama hasn't been in tune for 3 years, and then bring up a website that teaches you how to tune your guitar. I'll do that for about 45 minutes, and then question why I ever wanted to play guitar in the first place.
It sounds insane, but you'd be surprised at how often this happens.
Like, just ten minutes ago, I was watching some old Mike Lombardo videos, and I suddenly decide that I want to learn how to play piano. The process above pretty much insued, except I don't have a piano, so I never got around to the playing part. But I seriously started planning out where I'd put said piano, and also what I would have to sell/get rid of in order to get enough money.
I eventually came to my senses and relaxed myself through writing this blog post.
I'm now starting to wonder if I have ADD, because, seriously, I'm really starting to act like it. I can never pay attention for very long anymore, and obviously, the strange and sudden impulses.
So, I should never be given a credit card, because I'm pretty sure that I'd be in debt pretty easily. I would've ordered a keyboard piano from Amazon if I had the money. But I don't. And that's a good thing.
My impulses aren't always as bad/stupid as the instrument problem that keeps popping up, however. They're probably the things that made me start my life online, including creating this blog. I can't say the same thing about my YouTube channel, because I've been planning that out for about a year and a half. I'm pretty sure that I impulsively chose to be a Nerdfighter* as well. Oh, and the fact that I started a wizard rock band called RavenLove.
I have no real ending for this post... So... Erm... PUPPY DISTRACTION.
"I've already launched a Voldemort fansite." - Voldemort Fangirl, The Parselmouths**
*Just wondering, does anyone else capitalize "Nerdfighter?" I do if I remember to.
**That is an example of a short term random impulse. That song has nothing to do with anything, but in my mind it makes sense.
I decided to go buy a guitar today so I could start a wrock band. Then I realized that I was broke xDD