Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Book club? (BEDA Day 18)

For some reason, I just cannot get into writing blogs right now. This is a problem for two reasons. 1) It's August, and I've promised to blog every day this month and 2) My blog collab is starting next week, which means I'll be blogging every Monday from now on.

I hope that I get back into writing. The main problem is that I have nothing really interesting to say. I've been repeating a lot of stuff in my latest posts because that's all that's going on in my life.

In order to make up for this, I have just decided that I am going to create my own book club. I don't expect any of my readers to join in on it. I'm mainly using it as an incentive to start reading again, and as a back up plan for times when I have nothing to talk about.

The first book that I am reading for the book club is Looking for Alaska by John Green. I have already read this, but that does not matter. This book club will sometimes be used to get me to reread old favorites.

The second book may be Mockingjay, but that all depends on how quickly I finish reading Looking for Alaska.

To my readers: Do you have any book suggestions that I can read?

"Tonight I've got a date with my bookshelf." - Nerdfighterlike, Lauren Fairweather


Looking for Alaska progress: page 29

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