Monday, August 23, 2010

It feels like it's been so long since I've blogged last! (BEDA Day 23)

...Which is stupid, because I technically blogged this morning on NEA. Yeah, my blog collab project. It's finally started! I realize that I've been talking a lot about it, so let me try to come up with something else...

Um, I can hear out of my right ear now. I haven't been able to for about two weeks, maybe longer. I don't expect it to last long.

I am still super excited for Mockingjay to come out tomorrow. I've been discussing the books a bit with random people online, mainly about the whole "Team Peeta or Team Gale" thing. After a lengthy discussion on Facebook with at least ten people (including Lauren Fairweather and Matt Maggiacomo) I have come to a conclusion: it really doesn't matter what "team" you're on. What we really should be worrying about it whether or not certain characters will survive, mainly Peeta, but also Katniss. We don't think that Katniss is safe from death in this book, especially since it is the conclusion of the trilogy. The books are all about survival, not love interests.

Now to a less serious issue: I got some necklaces in the mail yesterday! They're really nice.

Tomorrow, I'll be blogging fairly early, because I have Student Locker Night to go to. I have to give a tour of the school to various new people. It'll be fun, but I would be more at ease if I knew who was coming.

Oh. I just remember Shannon inviting me to a party... *checks date* ... Which, awws, I can't go to. Sadface. My dad and I are going to NYC on the 27th. Ah. That means I should probably call Shannon and tell her that.



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